Notification of Meeting Form

Notification of Meeting Form

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

The Notification of Meeting must be completed and saved, and "Create/Store Invite" must be clicked before the related event can be locked.

The purpose of the form is to notify the parent/guardian/18+-year-old student of a meeting and should be completed by the person responsible for scheduling the meeting.

The form contains legally required information about the meeting, which will be provided to the parent/guardian/18+-year-old student before all meetings.

For an Initial Eligibility, Reevaluation, and IEP/SP meeting, the form must be provided to the parent/guardian/18+-year-old student at least 10 calendar days before the meeting unless the requirement is waived by the parent/guardian/18+-year-old student. It must be printed and sent to the parent even if an agreement about the date and time has been made some other way.


In an IEP and SP, the Meeting Date on the Notification updates the Scheduled date, which then auto-fills to the Plan Dates screen in the IEP or SP. It is used to calculate the Projected Annual Due Date. The Plan Dates are used for the beginning and end dates for the goals, services, and classroom accommodations.

In an Initial Evaluation, the date on the Background, Evaluation Results, Eligibility Determination, Record of Participation, and Additional Information page auto-fills from the Notification of Meeting and should reflect the date of the Eligibility Conference.

In a Reevaluation Event, one Notification of Meeting is completed by the Case Manager for the Review of Existing Data meeting, even if the information was included on the same NOM for the IEP. If assessment or additional data is needed and an eligibility conference is going to be held, a second Notification of Meeting for the eligibility conference must be sent to ensure the dates on the evaluation forms and in Caselog are correct.

Completing the Notification of Meeting form

  1. Open the Notification of Meeting event.

  2. Click Notice of Meeting on the Forms List panel or the Event Overview.

  3. The purpose of the meeting box has been auto-filled based on the event being completed.  Additional purposes may be selected if appropriate.

    1. For an IEP: Consider Post-secondary Transition must be checked beginning with the IEP that will be in effect when the student turns 16. When this option is selected as a purpose of an IEP meeting the student's name and Title (STUDENT) autofill in the participants section of the form. Also, in the Agency representative section, the first Agency Name field will be required.

  4. Enter the date, time and location of the meeting.  It is important to double check the date for accuracy, particularly the year.

    1. NOTE: An alert displays if the Meeting Date is a past date giving the user the opportunity to correct the date if necessary. It is not an error and a past date can be saved.

  5. Enter contact information and the date the letter is being sent (this date must be on or prior to the Meeting Date).

  6. Enter names and titles of those being invited. 

    1. For an IEP: If the student is or will be 16 while this IEP is in effect, at least one agency representative must be entered. If the fields are disabled (grey), return to the purpose of the meeting section (Step 3) and check Consider Post-secondary Transition. This will activate the agency fields.

  7. Save.

  8. After completing the Record of Attempts form, continue to the section for Printing the Notification of Meeting.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that a written release of information MUST be obtained for other persons invited by the parent or SSD to share confidential information at the IEP meeting. This includes Agency Representatives invited when post-secondary transition is being considered. The Student Information Exchange Form is used for this purpose. Please ask your SSD Administrator where to download the form.


NOTE: Special School District provides this video for process information related to the IEP Notice of Meeting. Click the link and log in with your Vector/SafeSchools (employee ID number) credentials to view this information:

Meeting Facilitation (Scheduling the Meeting)

You will use your 6 digit employee ID number to log into SafeSchools.

Printing the Notification of Meeting

  1. Complete and save the Record of Attempts.

  2. Return to the Event Overview and select Validation Check.

  3. When both forms are compliant, click Create/Store Invite.

  4. Select First Attempt from the drop down if it is the first attempt, or other reason as appropriate. The same attempt reason can be used more than once.

  5. Save

    1. All stored forms can be viewed by selecting ‘Invitation Record’ at the bottom of the Event Overview .

  6. To view or print the Notification, select Notification of Meeting from the Print layout chooser then click OK. The Record of Attempts is not sent to the parent.

  7. If you do not want to view or print the notification at this time, click Cancel.

  8. Depending on browser settings, a new window or tab will open and display a PDF of the Notification of Meeting.

  9. Use the printer icon to print the form.

When a Notice of Meeting is created/stored, on the events screen will show a black envelope with a number next to it indicating how many times the Notice has been created/stored. The Scheduled date will show the date of the meeting.

Viewing and Printing Stored Notification of Meeting Forms in an Open Event

If an additional copy of a Notification of Meeting is needed with no changes it is not necessary to "Create/Store" another copy of the existing form. A copy of the form is stored in the Invitation Record each time Create/Store is used. To print a copy

  1. Open the Notification of Meeting event.

  2. Click Invitation Record (at the bottom of the Event Overview) to ensure there is a saved version of the previous attempt.

  3. The Invitation Records window opens.

  4. To view the saved Notification of Meeting click the hamburger icon (the three lines) and select Notification of Meeting from the list.

  5. The PDF of the Notification of Meeting opens in a new window.

  6. The form can be printed or closed.

Completing an Additional Notification Of Meeting/Rescheduling a Meeting

If an Initial Eligibility, Reevaluation, IEP, SP, or Manifestation is rescheduled, the Meeting Date must be changed on the Notification of Meeting then the Notification saved and “Stored” again. This ensures the correct Meeting Date prints on all forms and is recorded correctly for data purposes.

  1. Open the Notification of Meeting event.

  2. Click Invitation Record (at the bottom of the screen) to ensure that there is a saved version of the previous attempt.

    1. The Invitation Records window opens. Any “stored” forms are listed. 

      1. If no previous forms were “stored”, be sure to store the current version before updating the forms.

    2. To view the saved Notification(s) of Meeting click the hamburger icon and select Notification of Meeting from the list

    3. The PDF of the Notification of Meeting opens in a new window

    4. The form can be printed or closed.

  3. Click Notice of Meeting on the Forms List panel or the Event Overview.

  4. Enter the new information or revise the current information. If the date and/or time of the meeting is changing replace the existing date and/or time.

  5. Enter the date the new Notice of Meeting was sent replacing the existing information.

  6. Save.

  7. If this is the 2nd attempt to hold the meeting, complete and save the Record of Attempts

  8. Click Create/Store Invite.

  9. Select Attempt Reason from the drop down.

  10. Click the Save button.

  11. Select Notification of Meeting from the Print layout chooser.

  12. Click OK to view and print.

  13. Depending on browser settings, a new window or tab will open and display a PDF of the Notification of Meeting.

  14. Use the printer icon to print this form.

  15. Close the window or tab when finished viewing/printing form. 

Error on the Notification of Meeting in a Locked Event

The Notification of Meeting is not included in the Correction Events for the Initial Eligibility, Reevaluation, IEP, or SP. Therefore, if the Meeting Date or other information is wrong on the Notification of Meeting and the corresponding event has been locked, the entire event must be reentered. This includes reentering all previous Notification of Meeting forms, and completing a new one with the correct information.

If information, including the Meeting Date, is wrong in a locked Initial Eligibility, Reevaluation, IEP, or SP:

  • For an Initial Eligibility, contact the Service Desk for assistance.

  • For a Reevaluation

    • Using the next Reevaluation Decision event on the Scheduled Events panel

      • Select the Edit icon to open the Schedule Meeting window

      • Change the Scheduled Date to the Actual Date of the previous Reevaluation Decision

      • Save

    • Open the Reevaluation Decision event

      • Select RED/Reevaluation on the decision form and lock the event.

      • The new Reevaluation is created

    • Re enter and Create/Store all previous Notification of Meeting forms in the Notification of Meeting event for the new Reevaluation on the Scheduled Events panel.

    • Complete and save the new, corrected, Notification of Meeting. Click Create/Store to store the new version in the Invitation Record.

    • Re enter the information from the locked Reevaluation into the new Reevaluation event.

    • Lock the new event

    • Contact the Service Desk to have the incorrect event deleted.

  • For an Annual IEP

    • Using the next Annual IEP on the Scheduled Events panel, reenter and Create/Store all previous Notification of Meeting forms in the Notification of Meeting event.

    • Complete and save the new, corrected, Notification of Meeting. Click Create/Store to store the new version in the Invitation Record.

    • Re enter the information from the locked IEP into the IEP on the Scheduled Events panel.

    • Lock the new event.

    • Contact the Service Desk to have the incorrect event deleted. 


The same Notification of Meeting Event is used for the Review of Existing Data meeting and the Eligibility Conference.

The Case Manager completes the Notification of Meeting for the Review of Existing Data meeting.

If a meeting is needed to review evaluation information, the evaluation chair completes the following steps:

  1. Open the Notification of Meeting.

  2. Click the Notice of Meeting on the Forms List panel or the Event Overview.

  3. Click Invitation Record (at the bottom of the screen) to ensure that there is a saved version of the previous attempt.

    1. The Invitation Records window opens

    2. To view the saved Notification(s) of Meeting click the hamburger icon

    3. The PDF of the Notification of Meeting opens

    4. The form can be printed or closed.

  4. After returning to the Notification of Meeting, enter the date and time for the Eligibility Conference, replacing the existing information.

  5. Enter the date this Notice of Meeting was sent, replacing the existing information.

  6. Review/edit other information as needed.

  7. Click the Save button.

  8. Click Create/Store Invite.

  9. Select First Attempt from the drop down if it is the first attempt to schedule Eligibility Conference

  10. Select Notification of Meeting from the Print layout chooser.

  11. Click OK to view and print.

  12. The PDF of the Notification of Meeting opens.

  13. Use the printer icon to print this form.

  14. Close the window or tab when finished viewing/printing form.

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