Searching for a Student

Searching for a Student

The search field is located at the top of the screen in the Phoenix application. There are 2 search methods:  Quick Search (Basic) or Advanced Search.

Quick Search

To use Quick Search, enter the student's SSD ID number, last name or MOSIS ID number into the search field then select the search icon (the magnifying glass) or press enter on your keyboard.




The Search Results appear on the Student List Panel.


Advanced Search

To use Advanced Search, select the magnifying glass with the + sign. The Advanced Search window opens. This window includes more search options such as First Name, Last Name, Grade and Attending School, etc. Enter any additional criteria in the available fields and Search.

Withdrawn Student Search

Withdrawn students can be accessed by selecting Withdrawn Student on the Advanced Search window. Enter either the Last Name, First Name and DOB or the Student ID and click Search. You can only access withdrawn students if you had access to the student when enrolled.