Revocation of Consent for Services Event

Revocation of Consent for Services Event

Event information

This event is created and completed by the Legal Services Department.

Parents or student age 18+ can revoke the initial consent (obtained at the time the student first began to receive any special education services).  This determination is not an IEP team decision to remove services and only requires a written request from the parent or the 18+ year old student.

If parents or student age 18+ inform you that they are considering removing the special education services, it is important for them to understand that they will also lose their protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, including discipline procedures, special transportation, extended school year, accommodations or modifications (including testing), etc.  Speak to the parent or student and explain these implications.

Once a written request is received, district personnel must revoke the services immediately.  The student will receive no special education services.

Such written requests are to be forwarded immediately to the SSD Legal Services Department for processing.  E-mail address:  legalservices@ssdmo.org or Fax:  314 989-8135.

The Legal Services staff will contact the parent and the case manager, if necessary, and write the required Prior Written Notice removing services.  A copy of the parent letter and the Prior Written Notice will be placed in the student’s SSD and partner district files.  Student records, including special education information, must be maintained at least three years following a revocation.

Any future referral for evaluation by staff or parent is considered an initial evaluation and subject to the joint review committee’s determination.

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