Transfer Procedures - Case Manager Responsibilities

Transfer Procedures - Case Manager Responsibilities

This article assists Case Managers with the steps to take when a student has transferred into Special School District from outside of the county. These procedures are not needed when a student transfers within the county.


Consult with your SSD Administrator before completing any transfer documentation.


Case Manager Responsibilities


Case Manager Responsibilities

Comparable Services to be provided

The Case Manager documents the comparable services on the Comparable Services form in the Transfer event. Notify your SSD Administrator once the comparable services have been documented so the Transfer event can be locked.

New IEP to be written

The Case Manager writes a new IEP using the Annual IEP (Transfer) event. Most of the forms for this event are optional in Phoenix. However, all forms required for a legally compliant IEP must be completed. It is important to proofread carefully to ensure all legally required components of the IEP have been completed.

A copy of the IEP is sent to the parent/guardian/18+ year-old student.

In-State Only

IEP has been received and accepted EXACTLY as written with NO revisions (no changes to services, goals, placement, etc.)

The current, accepted IEP is attached to Student Profile>Logs by the Intake Department

In the Annual IEP (Transfer), the Case Manager completes only those forms and screens needed for the IEP to become the Active Plan in Phoenix, for providers to be assigned to goals and services, and for Progress Reports to be created. 

In the Annual IEP (Transfer) complete:

  • The Notification of Meeting:  Enter the information as it appears on the notice for the accepted IEP.  The purpose of the meeting is “Review/Revise IEP”. Enter the date of the accepted IEP as the Meeting Date

    • NOTE:  If no NOM is received, use the information on the Front Page to recreate the Notification of Meeting to the best of your ability. 

  • Record of Attempts: Enter the information as it appears on the Record of Attempts of the accepted IEP. If no form is received, complete the form to the best of your ability. After saving both the Notification of Meeting and the Record of Attempts, click "Create/Store Invite".

  • Plan Dates:  Enter the Initiation Date of the accepted IEP on the Plan Dates screen as both the Initiation Date and the Service/Goal Start Date.  All End Dates must match the "Projected Annual Due Date" in the grey box. Double check the dates then check the box confirming the Plan Dates are correct.

  • Goals:  Enter the goal text exactly as it appears in the accepted IEP.  Assign the Goal Responsible Staff and enter Baseline/Target numbers to the best of your ability based on the student's PLAAFP and the goal.  Complete the goal details, and if needed, enter Objectives. All required fields must be completed.

  • Services:  Enter the services exactly as they appear in the accepted IEP.  Do not change any Service Details (Service Type, Begin/End Dates, Duration/Frequency, and Setting (Regular Ed or Special Ed)).  Enter the school where the service will be provided, which is the Servicing School. Phoenix will calculate the LRE (placement).

  • LRE:  Click “Accept LRE” on the Services Screen to move to the Federal 4 Summary.  Select “LRE Accepted” on the Federal 4 Summary or complete a “Manual Override” if necessary (Early Childhood, Special School District School, etc.).

When the student’s IEP has been accepted, no other forms in the event need to be completed.  All other information will be available in the accepted IEP, which is attached to the student’s record in Phoenix by the SSD Intake Department.  If the student recently received services in SSD, the accepted IEP may be located on the Locked Events panel in Phoenix.

  • Lock the event.  When the Annual IEP (Transfer) is locked, the next Annual IEP is created.  It is due 364 days from the Meeting Date of the accepted IEP.

This event is not sent to the parent (who was provided a copy of the IEP by the previous school).  It is used only to ensure the student is active in Phoenix, providers can be assigned to goals and services, and progress reports can be completed.

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