Reevaluation Summary Form

Reevaluation Summary Form

This article will help users with the form.

Form information 

The Reevaluation Summary is an "at-a-glance" list of areas where an eligibility was determined.  

Prior to accessing this form, the disability information must be updated on the Disabilities screen. Complete this form if the reevaluation requires additional data. This form is not used when dropping services (ineligible) through the Review of Existing Data, see help for this. If this form is changed in error, please contact the Service Desk for assistance.

  1. Enter date of Review of Existing Data meeting.

  2. Make a selection from the radio buttons. If the student is not eligible for any disability on the Disabilities screen, the “Not eligible for special education services” button will be auto-filled.

  3. Sections of this form will be required based on the disability(ies) entered into the Disabilities screen.

  4. Areas of disability, if appropriate, will auto-fill from the Eligibility Determination form(s).

  5. An expanding text box is available at the bottom of the form (soft grey outline) which will be used to summarize information indicating areas of a disability that were discussed at the conference and the team determined that the student was not eligible for.

  6. Save

Information can be pasted into this form from a word processing document (i.e. Microsoft Word).

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