Special Considerations

Special Considerations

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

  1. Select a response for each question.

  2. Is the student blind or visually impaired?

    1. If Yes is selected, Form A is created and appears on the Forms List panel.

  3. Is the student deaf or hearing impaired?

    1. Make the appropriate selection. No form is created for either selection.

  4. Does the student exhibit behaviors that impede his/her learning or that of others?

    1. If Yes is selected, choose how/if the behavior is addressed in the IEP.  More than one option may be selected.

    2. If Behavior Intervention Plan is selected, the BIP form is created and appears on the Forms List panel.

  5. Make appropriate selections for limited English, communication needs, and Assistive Technology.  No forms are created based on choices made for these questions.

  6. Extended School Year

    1. Select No when the team determines the student is not eligible for ESY. No form is created.

    2. Select Yes when the team determines the student is eligible for ESY.  Form B is created and appears on the Forms List panel. If the student is eligible, complete all sections of the IEP needed to document ESY. More information can be found here.

    3. If the team has not yet determined if the student is eligible for ESY, select the third option – The need for ESY services will be addressed later.  Enter the date by which ESY eligibility will be determined. 

      1. When eligibility is determined, an Amendment or new IEP must be completed to document the decision, and if the student is eligible, Form B must be completed.

  7. Post-secondary Transition Services

    1. If either Yes (Student is/will be sixteen . . .) or No (However, IEP team agreed to complete a Post-secondary Transition Plan) is selected for Post-secondary transition services, Form C is created and appears on the Forms List panel.

    2. Form C must be completed for all students beginning at age 15 but can be completed for any student.

  8. Transfer of Rights

    1. A selection must be made for every student.

      1. If the student is 15 or younger, select N/A for this student/IEP. No form is created.

      2. The Transfer of Rights is issued for the first time before the student's 17th birthday.

    2. If this is the first time a notice will be issued, enter the date of the IEP and select the box for Form is needed for this IEP.  The Transfer of Rights form is created and appears on the Forms List panel only if this box is selected.

    3. If a Transfer of Rights form has been issued in the past and no form is needed for this IEP, select Notification was given and enter the date the original notice was provided (a past date). The form is not created. 

    4. If the student is 18, the notice is issued again. Enter the date the form was originally issued (a past date) and select the box for Form is needed for this IEP. The Transfer of Rights form is created and appears on the Forms List panel only if this box is selected.

      1. NOTE: The date Notification was given is always the same - the date the Transfer of Rights was FIRST provided. If the notification is being provided again, the date will remain the original date.

  9. State Assessments

    1. If the student's grade or course of study requires consideration of participation in State Assessments (Grade-Level Assessments, EOC, WIDA ACCESS, or NAEP), or if the student is eligible for MAP-A, select YES, then select the assessment(s). The form for each selected assessment is created and appears on the Forms List panel.

    2. Grade Level Assessments: Form D-Part 1

    3. End-of-Course Assessments: Form D-Part 2

    4. Alternate Assessment (MAP-A): Form D-Part 3

    5. WIDA ACCESS: Form D-Part 4

    6. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)/International Assessments: Form D-Part 5

NOTE: If MAP-A appears on a report but MAP-A is not provided for the student, please the denotations for Forms D on the Special Considerations page will need to be updated.

  1. District Assessments

    1. If Yes is selected, Form E is created and appears on the Forms List panel.

  2. Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) plan

    1. Select the appropriate response. Neither option creates a form.

  3. Save.

Forms created by answering questions on the Special Considerations Form are required. However, if they are no longer needed, they can be reset so they are not included in the final, locked IEP. Instructions can be found on the Reset Forms page.

Special Education Process Video

Special School District provides this video for process information related to the IEP Special Considerations page. Click the link and log in with your Vector/SafeSchools (employee ID number) credentials to view this information:

Special Considerations Form: Special Considerations - Special Considerations

ESY: Special Considerations - Extended School Year (ESY Services)

State and District Assessments: Special Considerations - State and District Assessments

Map A Eligibility Considerations: Special Considerations - MAP A Eligibility Considerations

You will use your 6 digit employee ID number to log into SafeSchools.

If you have questions about the information in this process video, please consult your Special Education Coordinator or Director.

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