

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

  1. Complete all fields using the statements above each as guidance. Text boxes expand as needed to accommodate the characters used. There is no character limit.

  2. Enter information directly into each field or copy from another document, then right-click in the field to paste as plain text. 

    1. If copying and pasting from a Word document or Google Doc, it is important to right-click in the field to paste using "Paste as plain text" to lessen the characters that change into question marks. The document can also be saved as plain text before copying.

    2. Click here for further information about copying and pasting.

  3. Phoenix spell checks as information is entered. 

    1. A word can be added to the dictionary on your device by right clicking on the word and selecting "Add to dictionary".

  4. Choose No or Yes to indicate whether the IEP team has determined that the student is unable to access the regular curriculum and that a curriculum based on alternative standards is appropriate. Complete the text box describing justifications if required.

  5. Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is taking an alternative assessment (MAP-A).

  6. If the student is taking an alternative assessment, choose benchmarks/short-term objectives on the goal page. The other option has been disabled.

  7. Save.

Ensure multiple users are not working in the PLAAFP simultaneously by checking for a yellow or blue banner at the top of the screen.

Because of the expanding text boxes, it is recommended that this form be previewed before locking the IEP to check for page breaks.  If the page breaks in an inconvenient place, return to the form and edit (add blank lines) to change the breaks.


Special School District provides these videos for process information related to the PLAAFP. Click the link and log in with your Vector/SafeSchools (employee ID number) credentials to view this information:

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Supplemental Present-Level Resources Mini-Lesson)

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP - The IEP's Heart)
Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP - Part 1)
Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP - Part 2)

Logging into SafeSchools

You will use your 6 digit employee ID number to log into SafeSchools.

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