Initial Services Plan Event

Initial Services Plan Event

This article will help users with the event.

Event information

The Initial SP, with the Notification of Meeting, is created by the Service Desk when they are notified by the SNAP Department that an eligible student requires an Initial SP.  The Parent Consent-Initial Services-SP Event will be created at the same time.  

Before opening the Initial SP Event, complete, save and create/store the Notification of Meeting-Initial SP.

Review the Plan Dates screen before locking the Initial SP Event. If an SP Event is opened before the Notification of Meeting is completed and saved, the Plan Dates are based on the Due Date, not the Meeting Date. The Plan Dates must be checked for accuracy before locking or the initiation, service, goal, and accommodation dates may not be accurate.

When the Initial SP and the Parent Consent-Initial Services-SP are locked the Annual SP will be created with the Notification of Meeting-Annual SP. The next SP will be due 364 days from the Meeting Date of the current SP.

The Notification of Meeting-Initial Services Plan, including the Record of Attempts, is associated with this event and must be completed, saved and Create/Store Invite clicked prior to locking the Initial Services Plan Event.

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