Phoenix Frequently Asked Questions

Phoenix Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers frequently asked questions about Phoenix support, program navigation, and the IEP Amendment and IEP Correction events.


I have questions about Phoenix. What should I do?

  • The best place to start is the Phoenix Help Site. There is information here about events, forms, processes, the dashboard, etc.

  • If you cannot find the answer to your question in the Help Site, enter a support ticket in the Phoenix section of the Service Desk Portal.

Where can I find the current quick start cards and other support documents?

  • All current quick start cards and other support documents are on the Resources page. Select the section for the cards you wish to view: IEP, ESI/Caselog, Transfer, Evaluation Process Documentation, and Phoenix Reports.

Navigation / General Questions

What is the best way to access Phoenix?

  • It is recommended that users log in to Phoenix using the direct web address. When the log-in page appears, save the address to your bookmarks or favorites for quick access in the future.

  • Phoenix web address: https://phoenix.ssdmo.org

When I paste information from Word or a Google Doc, some characters change into question marks. How can I keep this from happening?

  • Some characters, such as quotation marks, apostrophes, and double hyphens, can change into question marks when pasted into Phoenix. The question mark replaces the character(s) HTML doesn't recognize. This helps the user know what was not recognized and needs to be replaced. The number of characters that HTML does not recognize has been reduced. However, it is impossible to eliminate all possibilities.

  • One way to avoid this is to use "Paste as plain text" when pasting the text into Phoenix. To do this, right click in the field then choose "Paste as plain text", or a similar option, from the menu, or use CTRL + Shift +V (Windows) or CMMD + Shift + V (Mac) to paste.

  • To convert a Word Document file into a plain-text file

    1. Open your document in Word

    2. Click “File” at the top left of the menu bar and select “Save as” (go to File > Save as)

    3. In “Save as type,” select “plain text.”

    4. Click “Save.”

    5. When the dialogue box appears (for non-English OSs), check “allow character substitution,” then click “OK.”

Why does a student appear on my Caseload in Phoenix?

Where do I find Student/Parent Contact Information for a student whose status is Active (Special Ed)?

  • If the student’s status is Active (Special Ed), create the Student Contacts Report to see the student's contact information.

    1. Locate the student's name on the Student List Panel

    2. Hover over the name to see the Student Management Menu icon (the three lines)

    3. Select the icon

    4. Choose Student Reports

    5. On the Student Reports menu, select Contacts

    6. The report is generated in Power BI (You may need to log in using the username ssdco\username with your SSD password). The data in the report comes from ESI. 

Where can I view and print Progress Reports for a student's current IEP?

Where can I view and print Progress Reports for a previous IEP?

  • Completed Progress Reports for an IEP that has ended are moved to the student's Plan History. Select Program Summary>Plan History, select the IEP whose reports you wish to view, and then use the airplane to fly to or scroll to the Progress Reports section at the bottom of the page. For more information, see Progress Reports-Viewing and Printing Progress Reports for Previous IEP

Does Phoenix show a message when more than one person is working in a form simultaneously?

  • Yes. When someone is working in a form, Phoenix notifies any incoming users that someone else is already in the event or form. However, users will still need to communicate when they will be working on the same events or forms in Phoenix to ensure that all the users' information is saved. When a user enters an event another user is already working on, a blue or yellow banner appears at the top of the new user’s screen. The banner's color depends on whether the incoming user is in the same form or just in the same event. Users are strongly encouraged to leave the event if they see this message on your screen.

    For long forms such as the PLAAFP, it can be helpful to enter the information in a word processing document, save it, and then copy and paste it as plain text into Phoenix. If the information you entered is deleted, you can paste it again. 

I would like to send feedback about Phoenix. How can I do that?

  • The best way to do this is to create a Feedback ticket.

    1. Open the Service Desk Portal.

    2. Select Feedback under Common Requests

    3. Select the Feedback link

    4. Enter your feedback

    5. Click Create

    Your feedback will be reviewed by the SEIMS team.

IEP Amendment and IEP Correction events

I can't lock my IEP Amendment or IEP Correction event because the LRE must be accepted. Where do I accept the LRE and complete a Manual Override of the student's placement, if needed?

  • The LRE must be 'accepted' in all IEP Amendment and IEP Correction events before the event can be locked. If a Manual Override was completed in the previous event, it must be completed again in the amendment or correction. 

  • The LRE is accepted, and the Manual Override is completed on the Federal 4 Summary Screen

    • To accept the LRE

      • Open the Federal 4 Summary screen,

      • Scroll or use the airplane to fly to the Services section (Instruction, Services, and Supports).

      • Click the red “Accept LRE” button above the Least Restrictive Environment table. 

    • To complete a Manual Override

      • Open the Federal 4 Summary screen

      • Scroll or use the airplane to fly to the Services section (Instruction, Services, and Supports).

      • Check the “Manual Override” box above the Least Restrictive Environment table. This allows the information to be edited as the LRE Placement becomes a drop-down to select an LRE Placement.

    • For more information, see the Manual Override section of the Federal 4 Summary Screen page. or the Entering Services Quick Start Card.


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