Federal 4 Summary Screen

Federal 4 Summary Screen

This article assists users when completing the Federal 4 Summary screen.

The screen is included in all IEP and SP events. It summarizes the information from the Goals, Services, and assessments and is where a manual override of the LRE is completed, if necessary, before locking the IEP or SP.

Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks

  1. A checkmark appears in the appropriate column to indicate whether a goal will be addressed during ESY or supports a post-secondary goal.

  2. The Begin and End Dates can be edited here. Click the date to display a calendar and select a new date.

  3. Goal Responsible Staff can also be assigned or reassigned. Click the current name or unassigned to open the Staff Editor and assign yourself or search for someone else.

  4. A goal can be deleted on this screen by clicking the delete icon.

  5. The goals print in the order they appear on the table. You can change the order by using the move pointer icon to drag and drop on the table. 

Return to the Goals screen to view the full goal or edit other components.

Instruction, Services, and Supports

This section includes all services entered and saved on the Services screen and the LRE information.

  1. The services are grouped by type, with ESY services listed separately.

  2. The Begin and End Dates can be edited here.

    1. Editing the Begin or End Date may affect the LRE, requiring the LRE to be accepted.

  3. The provider can also be assigned or reassigned. Click the current name or unassigned to open the Staff Editor and assign yourself or search for someone else.

  4. A service can be deleted on this screen by clicking the delete icon.

    1. Deleting a service may affect the LRE, requiring the LRE to be accepted.

  5. The services print in the order they appear on the table. As in the goals section, you can change the order by using the move pointer icon to drag and drop on the table. Services can only be moved within the section in which they appear.

To edit other components of the services, return to the Services Screen. 

Least Restrictive Environment

Accept LRE in IEP Amendment and IEP Correction Events

The LRE must be “accepted” in all IEP Amendment and IEP Correction events, even if the services are not changed. Open the Federal 4 Summary and click "LRE Accepted" or complete Manual Override if required. If a manual override was done in the IEP or previous Amendment or Correction, it must be redone in the new Correction or Amendment.

  1. After ALL services have been entered and saved on the services screen, the LRE is accepted on the Federal 4 Summary Screen. The Federal 4 Summary Screen can be opened directly from the forms list or by selecting the red ‘Accept LRE’ button that appears on the Services screen. 

  2. Be sure to check the Servicing School for each time period as well as the percent in Special Ed (SE%) and General Ed (GE%)

    1. NOTE: SVC% is not used by SSD (it is calculated using combined minutes of Special Ed and General Ed). SVC% minutes are not added to GE and/or SE. SVC% may round up to 1% for very low numbers of minutes, even if SE% is 0, to show that minutes are being provided. This is acceptable.

  3. If the information is correct, click the LRE Accepted button. The button will disappear. It will reappear only if changes are made on the Services screen or Federal 4 Summary. The IEP cannot be locked if the LRE has not been accepted (if the button is visible).

Manual Override

If a manual override is needed due to the student’s placement or other reasons, check the Manual Override box to edit the information on the Least Restrictive Environment table. A manual override is completed for

  • All students attending a Special School District School to update the LRE Placement category to "Public Separate School."

  • All early childhood students to select the LRE Placement (a placement is not entered automatically for EC students).

  • Students who do not attend school for a full day. 

  1. When the Manual Override box is checked, some fields become editable while others remain non-editable.

  2. The Servicing School is based on the school selected for specific services. It will rarely, if ever, need to be changed here. If the school is incorrect, it is best to check the school assigned to the individual services before editing it here. If the Servicing School needs to be changed, click the name of the school, which will display the list of all schools. Select the correct school from the list. 

  3. The Total General Education Minutes and Total Instructional Minutes represent the available time for instruction during a week in a particular school as provided by DESE. These fields should only be changed for students who attend part-time. They must always be the same.

  4. The LRE Placement category auto-fills for K12 students based on the percentage of time spent in the general education setting. When Manual Override is selected, the category becomes a link and can be changed.

    1. For students attending a Special School District school, click the suggested placement to select Public separate school (day) facility

    2. For students receiving services through Homebound, select Home/Hospital

    3. For Early Childhood students, the field is blank until Manual Override is selected. It then includes a link to Select the correct EC placement.

State/District Assessments and Accommodations

Any state assessments and accommodations entered on the Assessments screen appear in this section.

  1. Hover over the filled flag in the Accommodations column to display the accommodations.

  2. Assessments can be deleted by clicking the delete icon. Remember, if an assessment is deleted, all of the accommodations are also deleted. 

Classroom Accommodations

Accommodations entered on the Classroom Accommodations screen appear in this section.

  1. The accommodations are grouped by category. 

  2. The Instructional Areas, Frequency, and Dates can all be edited by selecting the links. Just as in the Accommodations product screen, there are checkboxes available

  3. Accommodations can also be deleted by selecting the delete icon.


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