Amendment Form
This article assists users when completing the form.
For more information about completing an IEP Amendment event, download the IEP Amendment and IEP Correction Quick Start Card.
Form information
The IEP Amendment Form is included in the IEP Amendment event. It is a required form used to document the agreement to amend the IEP and the sections amended.
Complete all required fields.
The Date of the Annual IEP Meeting auto-fills.
NOTE: If this is not the Meeting Date of the IEP you are amending, contact the Service Desk for assistance. The wrong IEP has been copied into the Amendment.
Enter the Date of the Amendment.
Enter the Date of Implementation of Amendments. This must be the same as or later than the Date of the Amendment.
Enter the Date IEP Amendment documentation provided to parent.
Select the roles for those who agreed to the Amendment.
Enter the name of the Parent/guardian/18+ year old student, the SSD Representative, and the Component District Representative who agreed to the Amendment.
Indicate how the agreement was made by selecting the appropriate type or types.
Enter the Date the agreement was made. This date must be on or before the date of the Amendment.
Select the sections of the IEP being changed. All sections are prefilled as “N/A”. Mark the X column for the sections being amended/modified.
NOTE: These are listed as they are viewed in the printed IEP, not by the menu of forms in Phoenix. If you aren’t sure which to mark, do a print preview of the amendment or correction to discover on which forms the changes will print.
REMEMBER: if one form is changed, other forms may also need to be updated. For instance, if the ESY decision is changed on Special Considerations, responses on Goals may also need to be adjusted. In these cases, both should be marked.
11. If a meeting was held, enter the participants' names.
12. Save.
13. Complete the Amendment.
Print view v Phoenix View
(Section(s) amended/modified)
Plan Dates should never change in an Amendment.
Special Considerations must be changed if ESY or a BIP is added.
ESY changes print on Form B.
Accommodations changes print on Form F. (If Accommodations don’t print, go to the Services Screen and mark Documented on Form F.)
Goals and Services: to change a goal in any way, change the end date of the old goal. Add a new Goal or Service with the next day as the start date.
Services change print on the Service Summary.
K12 (or EC) Placement will change if the Service Minutes change.
Page Contents
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