Excusal Form

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

The Excusal form documents the excusal of required IEP team members from the IEP meeting (General Education Teacher and Component District Representative).  The Parent/Educational Decision Maker/Student age 18+, Component District Representative and SSD Representative must agree to the excusal and sign the form prior to the IEP meeting.

  1. Enter the Name, Role and Area of Curriculum for each person excused from the meeting.

  2. Select the Reason for Excusal.

  3. If Excusal Reason 2 is chosen, enter the Date (before the meeting) the written report was provided to the parent and the team.

  4. Enter the names of the Parent, the SSD Representative and the Component District Representative who signed the form and the Date each person signed.

  5. Save.

If the Excusal is completed and saved but is found later to be not needed, it can be reset.  After saving, click Set Status to Not Modified at the bottom of the form. This will change the form status to Not Modified which means the form will not be included in the locked IEP. This process can be used to reset any “optional' form in Phoenix.


The original, signed copy of the Excusal is sent to Student Records at Special School District Central Office after copies are made for the parent and the student’s teacher file.

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