Goals Screen

Goals Screen

This article assists users when completing the Goals screen.

Goals are added on the Goals screen and print on the Goal Page. At least one goal must be added to the plan for the event to lock.

Information about adding goals can also be found on the Entering Goals in Phoenix Quick Start Card


The Goal Search bar and Plan Goals panel are visible when the Goals screen is opened. SSD does not use Goal Search. All goals are entered as Custom Goals. 

Adding Goals to the Plan

  1. Select the Custom Goals button. The Goal Details section opens.

  2. Select the Domain.

  3. Select the Area of Concern. The Area of Concern options are determined by the Domain selected.

  4. Enter a unique Goal Name.

  5. Select Add to Plan.

  6. The goal appears on the Plan Goals table.

  7. Complete Goal Details or add additional goals.

Multiple goals can be added before completing the Goal Details or saving.

Completing Goal Details

  1. Select the row for the goal. The Goal Details panel opens.

  2. Enter the details for the goal.

    1. The required fields are indicated by red outlines.

    2. Fields outlined in blue (Dates) are required but have been completed. They are editable.

  3. Goal Text can be typed or pasted as plain text from another document. To paste as plain text, right-click in the field and select "Paste as plain text."

    1. NOTE: Vertical bar characters (pipes - | | ) cannot be used in the goal text field. Entering this character will prevent the IEP from locking. Contact the Service Desk for assistance if you have entered vertical bar characters in your goal text and cannot lock your IEP.

  4. The Begin Date and End Date are autofilled from the Plan Dates page. They can be edited for each goal.

    1. There must be at least one goal with the Begin Date matching the Initiation Date of the IEP and one with the End Date matching the IEP End Date.

  5. Assign the Responsible Staff for the goal, if known. This is the person who will be responsible for completing the progress report. The Responsible Staff is not required but should be entered if known.

    1. To assign yourself, click the smile icon. To select someone else, click the search icon to open the Staff Search window.

  6. Select the Measure. Be sure to select the correct measure type (occurrence, percent, whole number, etc.) based on the measure in the goal text.

    1. The measure selected determines the symbol printed on progress reports.

  7. Enter the Baseline and Target scores. They can be whole numbers or decimals to the tenth place.

  8. Enter the Baseline Narrative. This can be typed or pasted as plain text from another part of the IEP or another document.

  9. Select Evaluation Criteria.

    1. Click Select. The window displays.

    2. Select at least one. Multiple can be selected. If "Other" is selected, enter the specific criterion in Notes.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Hover over the link to display the selected criteria.

    5. To edit the list, click the link to reopen the window.

  10. If appropriate, select Supports the student's post-secondary goals/expectations. The menu to select the areas becomes required.

    1. Select the area or areas from the menu.

  11. If appropriate, select Will also be addressed during ESY. More information about documenting goals for ESY can be found here.

  12. If objectives are needed, click +Add Objective to this goal. Continue to the next section.

  13. The “Reporting Progress” section is complete and should not be changed.

  14. Save.

Reordering Goals

Goals print in the order they appear on the Goals list. They can be reordered by using the drag-and-drop feature. Select the move icon, drag the goal up or down, then drop it. The list is reordered. 

Entering Objectives

Objectives are entered only for students eligible for and participating in an alternative assessment (MAP-A).

  1. Select +Add Objectives to this goal.

  2. Enter the Objective Title.

  3. Do not select Sync with goal. It is not available at this time.

  4. Objective Text can be typed or pasted as plain text from another document.

  5. Edit Begin Date and End Date if necessary.

  6. Select a Measure.

  7. Enter Baseline and Target scores.

  8. Save.

To delete an objective, select the Delete button.

To add additional objectives, repeat steps 1-8.

Revising Goals in an IEP Amendment

Amendments and Corrections should maintain a history of the IEP cycle. If a goal will no longer be addressed or will no longer be addressed as written, change the End Date to the last day the goal was/will be implemented as written. Then, add a new goal with the appropriate Begin Date if needed. Before locking the amendment, ensure there are no pending Progress Reports that would need to be completed. Reports for the ended goal are saved on Complete, but no future reports will be created (the goal is no longer active). Progress on completed goals may be found by clicking Program Summary > Plan History, then choosing the IEP, amendment, or correction associated with that progress.

Goals with completed progress reports should not be deleted in an IEP Amendment. If a goal is deleted in an amendment, any completed progress reports for the goal are moved to Plan History and deleted from the Complete panel on Program Summary>Special Ed. They will not print when future reports are printed. If a goal will no longer be addressed, change the End Date to the last day the goal was/will be implemented.

Goal text should not be changed if any progress reports have been completed for the goal. If goal text is edited, the text will be changed on ALL reports on both Pending and Complete. It is not changed on reports moved to Plan History. If a goal will no longer be addressed or will no longer be addressed as written, change the End Date to the last day the goal was/will be implemented as written. Then, add a new goal with the appropriate Begin Date if needed.

For more information about creating and completing an IEP Amendment Event, download the IEP Amendment and IEP Correction Quick Start Card

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