Front Page - IEP

Front Page - IEP

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

  1. Complete all required fields.

  2. Double-check the Meeting Date, Initiation Date, and Projected Date of Annual Review.

    1. If the Meeting Date or Projected Date of the Annual Review is incorrect, the Meeting Date must be changed on the Notification of Meeting. The Projected Date of Annual Review is automatically updated when the Meeting Date changes.

    2. If the Initiation Date is incorrect, it is changed on Plan Dates. The Initiation Date for an Annual IEP should not be more than 10 days past the Meeting Date.

  3. If demographic information (address, phone number) is incorrect, it can be changed on the form. 

    1. Tip: This will only change the information in this IEP.  You must contact Student Data to change the information in ESI (the student data system) for future events so that the district data is correct. 

  4. Enter the Date the parent will be provided a copy of the IEP.  This date should be within 15 days of the IEP meeting to allow time to meet the DESE requirement for the parents to receive a copy of the IEP within 20 (calendar) days of the meeting.

    1. The Date the IEP was provided to the Parent is not checked by the program to ensure it is after the meeting date. Be sure to enter it carefully to be sure it is accurate and is AFTER the meeting date.

  5. Choose the Mode of Delivery.

  6. Choose the Educational Decision Maker.

  7. Enter the Name of the Educational Decision Maker.

  8. Select the appropriate email option.

    1. If the parent provided an email address, enter the address in the Email field. The email address prints on the Front Page.

    2. If the parent declined to provide an email address, enter the Reason the parent declined. The reason does not print.

    3. If the parent has no email address, select 'Parent has no email address'.

  9. The Date of Previous IEP Review is auto-filled based on the last locked IEP event in Phoenix.

  10. The Date of the most recent evaluation/reevaluation is auto-filled based on the last locked Eligibility or Reevaluation event at the time the IEP is opened for the first time. 

    1. If a reevaluation with no further assessment or the Triennial Evaluation Documentation Form is completed with this IEP, change this date to the date of the IEP.

  11. If the Projected date for next triennial evaluation does not autofill or is incorrect, enter the same date of the most recent evaluation/reevaluation plus 3 years.

  12. Enter the names of the participants in the IEP meeting and the Method of Attendance/Participation for each. More than one method can be chosen. If “Other” is chosen, the text limit is 10 characters.

  13. If space is needed for additional participants, check the box at the bottom. The Front Page-Additional Participants form is created on the Forms List panel.

  14. Save.

If the general education teacher or component district representative was excused from the meeting, enter the name and choose ‘excused.’ An Excusal form is required when one of these roles is excused but will not be required by Phoenix. It is the Case Manager’s responsibility to ensure the form is completed.

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