Graduation - Procedures for Students Graduating or Aging Out

Graduation - Procedures for Students Graduating or Aging Out

This article assists users with tasks to be completed when a student is graduating or aging out.


In all IEPs completed in Phoenix, including the student’s final IEP when graduating or aging out, the IEP End Date, the Service/Goal End Date, and the Projected Annual Due Date on the Plan Dates page must all be the same. The Projected Annual Due Date is calculated to be 364 days from the IEP Meeting Date and cannot be changed by the user. It will not match the student’s last day of school.

The End Date of at least one service and at least one goal must match the End Dates on the Plan Dates page. The IEP cannot be locked if there are any discrepancies in the End Dates. This includes students who are graduating or aging out.

The Prior Written Notice for Change of Placement notifies the student and parent that the student is no longer eligible for special education services as of the date of graduation or, if they are aging out, their last day of school. Services will no longer be provided as of that day. This can be included in the final IEP or with the Summary of Performance.

Summary of Performance

  1. The Summary of Performance event is created and completed in Phoenix no more than 30 days before, or 10 days after, the date the student will be exiting school due to graduation or aging out at 21.

  2. If a Prior Written Notice for change of placement due to graduation/aging out was not included in the student’s final IEP, complete the Prior Written Notice included in the Summary of Performance event at least 10 days prior to graduation or end of services indicating a change of placement.

  3. Provide a copy of the Summary of Performance and Prior Written Notice, if appropriate, to the parent/majority-age student.


  1. Complete all tasks in Phoenix before contacting Student Data for the student to be withdrawn.

    1. Complete, lock, and print the Summary of Performance

    2. Lock all events

    3. Complete and print final Progress Reports

    4. Print all documents to be provided to the student/parent

Once the student is withdrawn from Phoenix, no changes can be made to the student’s events. A withdrawn student’s record can only be accessed by using the Withdrawn Student Search. This search is done using the student’s SSD ID#, MOSIS ID#, or First Name, Last Name, AND Date of Birth.

Student Data

Contact Student Data after all Phoenix tasks have been completed.

  1. Follow the current procedure to notify Student Data of students who are graduating or aging out.

  2. The Student Data Secretary will create, complete, and lock the Exit event.

  3. When the Exit event is locked, the student is withdrawn from Phoenix overnight.

For further information, please contact Student Data at 314-989-8200 or studentdata@ssdmo.org. A ticket may also be entered in the SSD Help Center.


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