Prior Written Notice - IEP

Prior Written Notice - IEP

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

The Initial IEP, Annual IEP, Annual IEP (Transfer), IEP Amendment, and IEP Correction each include five Prior Written Notice-IEP forms.  If more than five notices are needed, the Prior Written Notice event is created.  This event includes five additional PWN-IEP forms.  Multiple Prior Written Notice events can be opened at the same time, allowing the user to create as many PWN forms as needed.

If you are unsure if a Prior Written Notice is needed for a particular situation, consult your SSD Administrator. The document Prior Written Notice Needed? can be downloaded for more information.

To complete the Prior Written Notice-IEP

  1. Select Personally Presented or Mailed.

  2. Enter the Date of Notice.

  3. Select Proposed or Refused.

  4. Select the reason for the notice: Change of ServicesChange in Placement, or Other.  If Other is chosen, enter the reason in the text box.

  5. Complete the required fields.  The text boxes expand.

  6. Enter your NameTitle, and Contact Information.

  7. Indicate if the parent has waived the 10 days time requirement.

  8. If the time requirement was waived, indicate if the waiver was written or verbal.

    1. For a Written Waiver, enter the Parent/Guardian name as signed, the Date of the signature, and the Date Received.

    2. For a Verbal Waiver, enter the Date and Time the parent verbally agreed to the waiver, the Method used to provide the waiver, the Name of the Staff Member who received it, and the Title of the Staff Member.

  9. Save.

If the Prior Written Notice is completed but is found later not to be needed, it can be removed. If the form is not saved, open a different form. Then select Ignore Changes & Continue. If the form has been saved, click Set Status to Not Modified at the bottom of the screen.  This will change the form status to “Not Modified,” which means the form will not be included in compliance checks and will not be included when the event is locked. It is not necessary to delete the information from the form.

This Prior Written Notice is NOT used to obtain consent for initial services.  The Parent Response-Initial Services event, which is generated only with the Initial IEP event, is used for this purpose.

If the parent signs the Prior Written Notice, copies are made for the parent and the teacher file, then the original, signed copy is sent to Student Records at Special School District Central Office to be included in the student's file.

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