Correction Notification Form
This article assists users when completing the form.
The Correction Notification Form is used when a copy of the original Initial Eligibility, Reevaluation, or IEP has been sent to the parent. It notifies the parent of the correction and of the changes made in the correction.
For more information about completing an IEP Correction Event, download the IEP Amendment and IEP Correction Quick Start Card.
Form information
The Correction Notification form is used when “A copy of this event has been sent to the parent/guardian/student age 18+” is selected on the Correction Decision form. It informs the parent that a change has been made to a form or section and requests that the previous version of the document be destroyed.
Enter the Date the correction is being completed.
In the “Dear” field, enter the name of the parent/guardian or 18+ year-old student to whom the Notification is being sent.
Choose the event to be corrected from the “A copy of this student’s” menu.
In “dated,” enter the date of the event being corrected.
Choose the forms or sections being corrected from the menu in “The following area(s) have been corrected.”
In “This correction is due to,” choose Error as the reason for the correction unless directed otherwise by an administrator.
Enter your Name, Title, and Contact information.
Print view v Phoenix View
(Section(s) amended/modified)
Special Considerations must be changed if ESY or a BIP is added.
ESY changes print on Form B.
Accommodations changes print on Form F. (If Accommodations don’t print, go to the Services Screen and mark Documented on Form F.)
Goals and Services: to change a goal in any way, change the end date of the old goal. Add a new Goal or Service with the next day as the start date.
Services change print on the Service Summary.
K12 (or EC) Placement will change if the Service Minutes change.
If this form has been created, completed, and saved but is no longer needed, it can be reset so it is not included in the final, locked event. Instructions for resetting forms are found on the Resetting Forms page. In this case, it is necessary to change the response on the Correction Decision form to ‘A copy of this event has not been sent...’ before selecting ‘Reset Optional Forms’ on the event Overview.
Phoenix and ESI were upgraded on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to scheduled maintenance. All users must clear their browser cache after this release, use the steps in the link below to clear cache from the browser then restart the computer after the cache has been cleared. Please review the release notes,