Hot Spot Request

Hot Spot Request

Hot spots may be requested for staff or students on a temporary basis.

Student hot spot requests:

  • If the student attends an SSD School, a hot spot can be requested through the school Library. All hot spots will be due at the end of the school year and should be returned to the school where they were checked out.

  • If the student attends a partner district, please request a hot spot from that district’s technology department.

Staff hot spot requests:

All staff hot spot requests must go through the help desk and be approved by the Telecommunications Manager, or designee.

Hot spots are provided as needed to staff who work in more than two districts or have a significant wifi issue in their buildings. The first step should always be to contact the partner district technology department to troubleshoot connectivity issues. The partner districts are required to provide wifi to our staff, including itinerants. Most of the time this will resolve any connectivity issues.

 If the staff member is still unable to connect or has not heard back within a reasonable amount of time, please let us know. We have a relationship with the partner district Technology Directors, as well as our own tech support team who can help onsite.

 If you determine that a staff member still needs a hot spot, please have the supervisor put in a help desk ticket requesting one for that person. This will be the easiest way to ensure they have admin approval. All hot spots are due back at the end of the school year and must be returned to the Technology Department at Central Office by the end of May.

When putting in a hot spot request please be specific about why you need the hot spot and for how long.

  • Is this for you or a student?

  • Is it for use at home or a school?

  • What district and school(s)?

  • How long will you need the hot spot?

You will be responsible for any damage to the hot spot as well as replacing lost or damaged charging cables. If the hot spot is lost you must report it to the Technology department as soon as possible. If you leave the district for any reason the device needs to be returned to the Technology department. All hot spots are due back to the Technology Help desk at the end of the school year, no exceptions.

Once approved you can pick the device up from the Technology Help Desk at Central Office. If you need to arrange a different pickup location please indicate that in the ticket and we will try to accommodate.

Click the link below to request a hot spot through the help desk:

Choose Devices from the list and then Device Request. Select Request new device and then hot spot. Please include all of the information mentioned above in the Reason for request before clicking Send.

Thank you!!



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