ESI: Hot Topics

ESI: Hot Topics

This page includes the latest information about ESI.

Release Notes

 ESI Release Notes - Fireworks (4.9) - Release Date: August 17, 2021

Advanced Student Search

Previously, when a student’s last name included an apostrophe and the apostrophe was included in the search criteria of the last name field, the results would not include the student because the system did not recognize the special character. This bug has been fixed. Now, when searching for a student whose last name includes an apostrophe, the apostrophe can be used in the search criteria of the last name field to locate the student.


Teachers complete the transportation form in Phoenix for a student when the IEP team determines transportation is required as a related service or when there is a change in transportation.  The regional secretary’s email address is entered on the form to route the notification. Regional secretaries will receive notification via email once the transportation form is completed and locked in an IEP, IEP Amendment or Transportation Change Event in Phoenix.  In ESI the transportation tab is completed by a regional secretary when notification has been received that an IEP,  IEP Amendment or Transportation Change Event has been locked in Phoenix.  Because there may be several days between the IEP team decision or transportation change and locking the event, it is very important the IEP case manager contacts the regional secretary as soon as possible and not wait until the event has been locked. Click here for the ESI/Transportation support documentation.

Accessing contact information for a student

If the student has an Active (Special Ed) status, use the Contacts link to see the contact information using these steps.

  1. Log into Phoenix

  2. Search for student

  3. Hover over student name on the panel, select the menu when it appears

  4. Choose Student Reports, Contacts, the report will generate using PowerBI , login using "ssdco\" before your username, no space

If the student has a status other than Active (Special Ed), use the ESI application

  1. Go to https://esi.ssdmo.org/ESI/Common/Login.aspx

  2. Use your SSD credentials to login

  3. Enter the student's SSD# in the field located at the top

  4. Click the magnifying glass, the student's record appears

  5. Choose Contacts

  6. Click Select for the appropriate contact to view more detailed information in the Student Contacts section

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