ESI: Provider Maintenance (New Release)

ESI: Provider Maintenance (New Release)

Display accurate caseload rating and caseload component information for providers and allow providers to enter manual caseload component information.


  1. Go to AdminProvider Maintenance 

  2. Enter the staff’s First or Last Name in the search box.

    1. As you enter a list of names will appear in the dropdown. Please locate the staff’s name from the list.

  3. Click Load.

  4. Employees without a supervisor assigned to them will only appear when you click the expand button. After that, simply click on the user's name.


Modifying provider details

After selecting a provider, the user will have the option of changing the provider’s general information. The details below are only available for specified users based on their role in the district.

  1. Choose the Supervisor.

  2. Choose the Reporting Supervisor.

  3. Select the School.

  4. Pick the appropriate Specialty.

  5. Input the correct value for FTE.

  6. Decide on the suitable Service Delivery Model.

  7. Add any relevant information in the designated field for Comments, if needed

  8. Save your changes by clicking on the Save button.


If the information provided is inaccurate, you have the option to click on the Cancel button and go back to step 1.

When modifying Provider Details, a warning message may appear after clicking the Save button. This warning message serves to highlight potential inaccuracies in the caseload details displayed below. The system recalculates every ten minutes. After this period, revisit the screen and refresh the provider information. By then, the warning message will have disappeared, and the calculations will be accurate.

Updating manual caseload components

For handling one component at a time:

  1. Start off by identifying and locating the specific component you wish to edit.

  2. Next, select the edit button for that component.

  3. Provide a suitable value for each individual part of the component.

  4. Ensure that your changes are saved by selecting the Update button accordingly.

Working with multiple components at a time:

  1. To begin, click on the Expand All Values button.

  2. Proceed by entering a value for each component.

  3. Remember to save each value by clicking on the Update button.

  4. Once all values have been saved, finalize the process by clicking on the Save All Values button.


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