ESI: Creating Assessment Results

ESI: Creating Assessment Results

To create assessment results in ESI, the consent details must be entered on the Prior Written Notice for consent in Phoenix so the Create Assessment Report button is available in Caselog.

If assessment results older than 3 years need to be entered in ESI, please contact the Service Desk to have the consent received date added to the Assessment screen.

Creating the Consent Received Date on the Assessment Reports screen

  1. Select the student from your Evaluation Chair Queue (ECQ) or search for the student by entering the SSD # in the search field (A student will automatically appear on your ECQ if it is an initial eligibility; you will need to add a reevaluation event to Caselog before the student appears on your ECQ and you must be listed as the Evaluation Chair on the Personnel tab)

  2. Click the Caselog tab

  3. Click Select on the grid to open the evaluation event

  4. On the Summary tab, in the Consent Details section, click Create Assessment Report. This step creates the consent received date on the Assessment Reports screen. 

Adding an Assessment

  1. Select Reports

  2. Choose Assessment Reports from the menu

  3. Enter the SSD Id in Search

  4. Select the student from drop-down

  5. Click the magnifying glass

  6. Click the consent received date on the left panel that matches the date consent was received from the Prior Written Notice

  7. In the Add Assessment section, enter the assessment name in Search for assessments

  8. Select the assessment from the list that appears in the drop-down, click Add Assessment

  9. Select the assessment that appears on Evaluations panel under the consent received date


Entering Assessment Details

  1. In Assessment Detail, select a Domain

  2. Enter the Evaluator

  3. Enter the Evaluator Role

  4. Enter the Date of the test

  5. Enter information for Columns 1-4, if applicable to be used as labels for the data reported in the corresponding column

  6. Enter any Notes 

  7. Save Test

  8. Choose Edit for each subtest Expand All Scores to enter results

  9. Choose Update for each row or Save All Scores if multiple results were entered

An assessment can be removed by clicking the Delete button.

To enter additional assessments, click on the consent received date on the Evaluations panel and repeat steps above.

Creating the Assessment Report as a pdf to attach to the event in Phoenix

Select the consent received date on the Evaluations panel

Click Create Report in Evaluation Detail section

The report appears as a pdf, save to a location on your device

Attaching Assessment Results to Event in Phoenix

  1. Open the evaluation event to add assessment results

  2. Click Event Attachment(s) on forms panel

  3. Enter Title

  4. Description is optional

  5. Click Choose File and select Open for assessment results saved on your device

  6. Upload