ESI: Caselog - Updating the Eligibility Tab

ESI: Caselog - Updating the Eligibility Tab

The Eligibility tab contains evaluation details that appear in ESI Caselog after the event has been locked in Phoenix. 

  1. Search for student 

  2. Select the Caselog tab

  3. Click Select for the initial eligibility or reevaluation event process 

  4. Select the Eligibility tab

  5. If you did not enter assessment results in ESI, check No assessment results are needed for this evaluation.  If assessments results are used from an outside agency, do not check this box, go to step 6. The assessment results from the agency should be entered in ESI and attached to the event in Phoenix prior to locking.

  6. If there are assessment results, the consent received date will auto-populate in Assessment Results, if it doesn’t auto-populate, select it from the drop-down. (The "Create Assessment Report" button must be selected on the Consent Details section of the Referral/Consent or Request/RED/Consent tab first.)

  7. The Phoenix Attachment Status will show one attachment if the assessment results are attached to the event in Phoenix.

If the case went beyond the 60 day timeline, an additional section will appear on the Eligibility tab to be completed.  Please contact the Service Desk if you require assistance.

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