ESI: Basic Navigation - Home Screen

ESI: Basic Navigation - Home Screen

Home screen

The Home screen is a dashboard used to access information quickly and sections are available based on permissions. Therefore, some sections described below may not be visible on your screen. 

The menu is located in the upper right corner of the Home screen.






Access Log: Lists students whose records have been accessed and logs the action 

Search Students:  Opens the Advanced Student Search from any page

Settings: Use to choose your preferred application layout

Student: Add Student- Adds new students to ESI

Tasks: Adds task using Task Maintenance; existing tasks are available using View Tasks


Returns to homepage from any screen 


Shows the last 10 students accessed


Lists students added to your Watchlist


Assessment Reports: Used by Evaluation Chairs to enter assessment results and create assessment reports

Process Reports: List student reports grouped by statuses and utilized for analysis

Product Reports: Opens Power BI to generate reports. You will need to login using your SSD credentials, (click link for login help) and browse to ESI Reports folder


Permissions based and is used by System Administration Only


Links to ESI help articles


Logs user out and returns to login screen

Logout Clear History: Removes history upon logout


These sections are available on the home page based on your role.

  • Announcements provide system information and is available until the "Valid To" date passes.

  • The Evaluation Chair Queue provides the assigned Evaluation Chair compliance information for open evaluation cases that require a written report.  If you are the Evaluation Chair of an initial evaluation, the student record appears on your Evaluation Chair Queue automatically. If you are the Evaluation Chair of a reevaluation, the record appears on your Evaluation Chair Queue after you have added the reevaluation event and personnel has been updated on the Caselog tab for the student's evaluation.

  • The Administrator's Queue provides the assigned Effective Practice Specialists or Area Coordinators the ability to monitor Evaluation Chairs open cases.

  • The Unassigned Reports Submitted Queue lists report requests to be assigned to a Word Processor.

  • The Word Processing Queue is used by Word Processing to select report requests to begin work. 

  • The Watchlist is used to quickly access a list of students and is maintained by the logged in user.

  • The My Open Tasks lists any task(s) added from Task Maintenance or Add Task.

  • The Advanced Student Search provides the ability to search for a student(s) using multiple search options.

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