RingCentral Phone Changes

RingCentral Phone Changes

Staff Changes

When staff are hired, switch positions or leave the district the Secretary or Administrator will need to put in a Help Desk ticket to have the phone updated to the correct staff member. You only need to do this if they have a full RingCentral account, not voicemail only.

When someone switches positions they will take the phone number of the person they replaced. This does not happen automatically so you will need to put in a help desk ticket requesting the changes. Please keep a list of the numbers assigned to your staff so that you can let me know the appropriate extension when putting in a ticket.

Please make sure staff know this process and that their phone number will change. They will likely need to get new business cards printed to reflect the new title as well as the new phone number.

When staff change positions it creates a ripple effect: they will take the number of the person they replaced, and that person will switch numbers, etc. This can take some time trying to ensure everyone gets the correct number so it’s important to let technology know what specific number should be assigned to the new staff member.

Why do the numbers stay with the position? In the SSD buildings we try to keep the line numbers (last 4 digits) as uniform as possible. For example, Ackerman school uses 314-989-72** numbers. Administrators and secretaries who work in partner districts will have given that number to staff and parents and have that number listed in the SSD Directory.

New hires are not automatically given a voicemail only account. If a partner district employee needs a voicemail only account please have them put in a help desk ticket requesting one. With this type of account staff can install the RingCentral app on a mobile device. This will allow them to check voicemail and call internal users. To reach a user’s voicemail call 314-989-8448 and enter the extension.

Disabled Accounts

When a staff member is on leave (administrative or otherwise) their account may be disabled. When an account is disabled, the phone assigned to them will stop working. If this happens, please put in a help desk ticket requesting a Generic Account so that the phone will continue to function until the account has been restored. You may also need to set this up if a staff member is on FMLA leave (ex. maternity) so that a sub can answer the calls and check voicemail while that person is out.

When you put in the ticket please include what you would like the generic account to be labeled (ex. South Tech Classroom 110). I will also need to know if the extension should have voicemail and if the phone should ring to anyone else.

Thanks for your help in keeping all of this organized!!

Click the link below to put in a phone change request:

Choose Telecommunications from the list and then Telecommunications Request. Select Staff phone change. Please include all of the information mentioned above in the Reason for request before clicking Send.

More information regarding RingCentral accounts and how they work can be found here: RingCentral

If you have questions, please contact the help desk at 314-989-8686.



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