FinInfo EForm Physical Restraint and Seclusion

FinInfo EForm Physical Restraint and Seclusion

TITLE: Physical Restraint and Seclusion Form Overview. IMPORTANT: This is a big form DO NOT enter the whole form at one time; Save often.

SECTION 1 - ROLE: AUTHOR (Teacher, ect...)


  1. [IE, Firefox, Chrome] go to SSD Portal 

http://portal.ssdmo.org and login


  1. [Portal] Finreporting and Eforms and click on "EForm Author Listing

  2. Add ROS form (change title to “Restraint and Seclusion form”

  3. [Restraint Form: Incident Edit] enter Student name, SSD#, Incident date and incident time and click on "SAVE"

  4. Add not on returning to complete the rest

NOTE: DO NOT enter the whole form at one time; Save often.


  1. [Restraint Form: Incident View] Click on "EDIT"

  2. [Restraint Form: Incident Edit] Enter each section and click on "SAVE"

  3. repeat C:1 and C:2 until entire form complete.

  4. Add note Save after each section to reduce chance of losing data on the form


  1. [Restraint Form: Incident View] click on "EDIT"

  2. [Restraint Form: Incident Edit] Change AssignedTo:" to building’s special education coordinator or SSD principal

  3. Check the E-Signature at the bottom form next to your name. click on "SAVE"

NOTE: You will not be able to reassign the incident to your manager until all "INCOMPLETE ERROR..." are addressed.

SECTION 2 - ROLE: SUPERVISOR (principal, sped coordinator, director)


  1. [IE, Firefox, Chrome] go to SSD Portal 

http://portal.ssdmo.org and login


  1. [Portal] find and click on "EForm / Finreporting"

  2. [MAIN MENU] find and click on "EForm"

  3. [EForm: List a] Select "Restraint" in "Action:" DDList, select your name in "Assign To" DDList and click on "Search for Record(s)"

  4. [EForm: List b] Find the incident number and click on it.

  5. Add note If any changes are needed then this Reassign back to AUTHOR (if it needs to be changed sent it back to the orginal author


  1. FROM [Restraint Form: Incident View] Click on Edit

  2. Change at the top of form "Status:" to "complete", cursor to the bottom and check E-Signature, click on SAVE


Effective July 1, 2022 in accordance with DESE policy Student Records will now be providing the form to the parent/guardian, partner district liasion, and to DESE after the administrator has signed the form and marked as complete.


Send Correspondance to specified person in Form Section IX 

  1. FROM [Restraint Form: Incident View] Click on Preview

NOTE: The Preview only work from a building on the SSD Domain.  Outside of our network the document will not be available.  You will have to print the request from an SSD Building on our network or call your support staff (secretary, clerk...)  to print and sent the document.



(QnA) Question and Answer


Q: "I keep timing out..."

A: It is the internet. You computer, internet connection, SSD firewall, and SSD database can have a time limit. Save often. Save before moving the laptop. Save if interviews are longer that a few minutes...


Q: "We use to sent correspondance to Student Records..."

A: The system sends a copy of the ticket when the status is changed to "COMPLETE"


Q: "Im didnt get my email..."

A: Emails are not sent immediately, spooler runs every 15min.


Q: "Im getting multiple emails about the Incident..."

A1: An email is sent upon reassignment of the Incident.

A2: Everytime a "Complete" ticket is "Edited" and "Saved" a new email is created.

A3: Directors are notified if a ticket age exceeds 5 days.



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