Google Chromebook - Remove Profile

Follow these steps to remove a profile from a Chromebook and prepare for a new user. (Typically this is used to remove a profile from a shared device without requiring a technician to do a full powerwash, as in the case where someone wants to delete their profile off of a device they’ve borrowed from a laptop cart or other shared Chromebook they’ve logged into in a temporary setting).


Here's how:

  1. Power on the device

    • If the previous user is currently signed in

      1. Click on the profile picture in the bottom right corner of the screen

      2. Click Sign Out

      3. The device will open a Sign In screen

      4. Next to the previous user’s account name click on the drop-down arrow

      5. Select Remove this user

    • If the device opens to the Sign In screen

      1. Next to the previous user’s account name click on the drop-down arrow

      2. Select Remove this user

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