How to Enter/Cancel Time Off Requests using the mobile app - WFM Upgraded Version

How to Enter/Cancel Time Off Requests using the mobile app - WFM Upgraded Version


To guide users on how to request time off using the Infor WFM app on their mobile device.

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QuickStart Printout

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QuickStart Printout

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Key Steps:

  1. Open the Infor WFM app and log in.

  2. Navigate to the home screen.

  3. If you are an admin user, click on the face character button to access the time off request screen.

  4. Tap on the "Time Off Request" button.

  5. Select the day for your time off request.

  6. Choose the type of time off (e.g., paid time off).

  7. Select full day or partial day.

  8. Set the time if necessary.

  9. Add any comments or reasons for the time off.

  10. Click on "Submit" to send the time off request.

  11. To request time off for multiple days, click on the plus button and select the dates accordingly.

  12. Enter the type of time off (e.g., vacation) and submit the request.

Cautionary Notes

  • Make sure to select the correct type of time off (e.g., paid time off) to avoid any confusion.

  • Double-check the dates and times before submitting the request to prevent errors.

  • Provide any necessary comments or reasons for the time off to ensure clarity.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use the search function to filter the list of time off types for quicker selection.

  • Utilize the calendar feature to easily select multiple days for time off requests.

  • If unsure about any steps, refer to the PC articles for additional guidance.