- Created by Gale Wagoner , last modified by Mary Spires on Nov 09, 2022
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This article assists users when completing the form.
Form information
The Discipline Documentation Form is completed every time a child receives an out-of-school suspension. Page 1 is in the Disciplinary Documentation event when created by the user.
When the Disciplinary Documentation event is opened, Page 1 is the only required form. Section A is available in this event if needed. Sections B, C, D, and E are in the Manifestation Determination event that is created, if required, when the Disciplinary Documentation Event is locked.
Enter the Date of Infraction.
Enter the Case Manager name.
Enter the Description of Infraction. The text box will expand as needed. The description of the infraction must mirror the information given to the parent by the administrator but should not include names or identifying information of other students involved.
Enter the Number of disciplinary removal days for this infraction.
If the length of the current suspension is less than 10 days, view the section for Current suspension is Less than 10 Consecutive days.
If the length of the current suspension is greater than 10 consecutive days, view the section for Current Suspension is Greater than 10 Days.
If the length of the current suspension is undetermined,, but as a result of further action by the school/district, has the possibility of being greater than 10 days, view the section for Length of Current Suspension is Undetermined.
Current Suspension is Less than 10 Days
Enter the Number of disciplinary removal days for this infraction.
Select No for “Is the total number of days for this infraction greater than 10?”
Continue to question #3. Enter the number of disciplinary removal days in this school year prior to this infraction.
Add the days in question #1 to the days in question #3 and enter the total in #4.
Answer question #5 indicating if the total from question #4 is greater than 10.
If the answer is Yes, question #6 will become required. Continue.
If the answer is No - STOP. No additional steps are required. Save and Lock the event. No additional events will be created. The process is complete.
Question 6 determines if a pattern has been created and if a Manifestation Determination is required.
Answer question 6A - “Is the student’s behavior substantially similar to the student’s behavior from previous incidents that resulted in the series of removals?”
If the answer is Yes, continue to question 6B.
If the answer is No, no pattern has been created. Section A is created in this event. It is required.
If the answer to question 6A is yes, continue to question 6B - “Are there other factors such as length of each removal, the total amount of time the student has been removed, and the proximity of the removals to one another that create a pattern?”
If the answer is Yes, a pattern has been created and a Manifestation Determination is required. The event will be created when this event is locked.
If the answer is No, no pattern has been created. Section A is created in this event. It is required.
The final two options are autofilled based on the responses to questions 6A and 6B.
If the response to either 6A or 6B is no, no pattern has been created. Complete Section A in this event. (Manifestation Determination is NOT required)
If the responses to both 6A and 6B are yes, a pattern has been created. Proceed to Section B in the Manifestation Determination event which is created when this event is locked. (Manifestation Determination IS required)
Return to the Event Overview and do a Validation Check.
When the Validation Check is successful, Print and proofread.
When the forms are correct, click the Lock button.
When the total days of suspension for the year is 10 or less, no further action is required.
When the total days of suspension for the year is greater than 10
with no pattern of behavior, Section A is created in this event (the answer for either 6A or 6B is No).
with a pattern of behavior, the Manifestation Determination event is created (6A and 6B are BOTH answered Yes).
NOTE: A Manifestation Determination is required when the total days of suspension for the year is greater than 10 AND a pattern of behavior exists. If the Manifestation Determination event is not created when the Disciplinary Documentation event is locked, contact the Service Desk for assistance.
Current Suspension is Greater than 10 Consecutive Days
Enter the Number of disciplinary removal days for this infraction.
Choose Yes for “Is the total number of days for this infraction greater than 10 consecutively?” Question #2 becomes required.
Answer question 2, “Is this a 45 school day suspension?” Answer Yes if this suspension is for drugs/weapons/serious bodily injury (even if suspension is not for 45 days).
In both cases (yes or no) a Manifestation Determination is required and the rest of the form remains disabled.
Return to the Event Overview and do a Validation Check.
When the Validation Check is successful, Print and proofread.
When the forms are correct, click the Lock button.
The Manifestation Determination event is created.
Continue to the Manifestation Determination event.
NOTE: A Manifestation Determination is required when the current suspension is more than 10 consecutive days. If the Manifestation Determination event is not created when the Disciplinary Documentation event is locked, contact the Service Desk for assistance.
Length of Current Suspension is Reported as 10 Days but the Final Length is Undetermined
If the length of the current suspension has not been finalized when the Manifestation Determination event is needed:
For number 1, Number of disciplinary removal days for this infraction enter “10 with possibility of additional days”.
Choose Yes for “Is the total number of days for this infraction greater than 10 consecutively?”. Question #2 becomes required.
Answer question 2, “Is this a 45 school day suspension?” Answer Yes if this suspension is for drugs/weapons/serious bodily injury (even if suspension is not for 45 days).
In both cases (yes or no) a Manifestation Determination is required and the rest of the form remains disabled.
Click the Save button.
Return to the Event Overview and do a Validation Check.
When the Validation Check is successful, click the Lock button.
The Manifestation Determination event is created.
Continue to Manifestation Determination event.
NOTE: When the length of the current suspension is reported as 10 days but there is a possibility the suspension will be longer, it is treated as a suspension of more than 10 consecutive days which requires a Manifestation Determination. If the Manifestation Determination event is not created when the Disciplinary Documentation event is locked, contact the Service Desk for assistance.
Locking the Disciplinary Documentation Event
After saving all forms return to Event Overview.
Click Validation Check.
If errors appear, resolve them before continuing.
When the event passes the validation check, click Print to preview and proofread the form(s).
When all information is correct, click the Lock button.
If the total number of days suspended this school year is not greater than 10, or if no pattern has been created, no additional events will be created. The process is complete.
If the current suspension is for more than 10 days, the length of the current suspension is undetermined, or a pattern of behavior has been created, Phoenix creates the Manifestation Determination event when the Disciplinary Documentation event is locked. The Manifestation Determination event includes the Notification of Meeting and Discipline Documentation Sections B, C, D and E. An Additional Information Form is also included to summarize the final outcome of the disciplinary action taken by the school/district, including the number of days the student is actually suspended out of school for this incident and the total for the year.
NOTE: If a Manifestation Determination event is required but is not created when the Disciplinary Documentation event is locked, contact the Service Desk for assistance.
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