Click the Non-Provider button to view the available reports.
The list of reports displays. Click the tile for the report you wish to view.
Student Reports - All Staff
Reports for an individual student can be created by all users. The reports include information for one student. Student Reports can only be created in Phoenix.
Locate the student on a student list or search for the student.
Hover over the student's name on the Student List panel to display the hamburger icon.
Click the hamburger icon to display the Student Management Menu.
Select Student Reports.
Select the report you wish to view.
Adding a Report to Favorites for Quick Access
Frequently viewed reports can be added to your Favorites list to provide quick access. This example adds the Meetings Due By Case Manager report to a Provider’s Favorites list. The steps for a Non-Provider report are the same.
Select the three ellipses on the report to display the report information window.
On the report information window, select the empty star next to Add to Favorites.
The report is added to your Favorites list.
To view the reports on your Favorites list, select the Favorites button. This can be done immediately after opening/logging into Power BI. To view the report, click on the report’s tile.
To remove a report from your Favorites list, select the three ellipses on the report to display the report information window, then select the filled star next to Remove from Favorites.