When completing progress, click ON the date and then select only those reports that you will be completing. It may be helpful to complete only 3-4 at a time. If you get an error when saving, close the error message but not the progress popup. Uncheck Assigned To Me and ensure there aren’t other progress reports that appear. If there are, make sure those are assigned to someone and fill in the date of progress. Then save again and your progress should save correctly.
Remember if you are pasting progress summaries in to use Paste as Plain Text: either right click and choose Paste as Plain Text from the menu that appears or use CTRL + Shift + V or CMMD + Shift + V to paste. If you have not used this method to paste and have an error message, go to the progress summary, highlight the text, click T! and type 10 onto the line. Save. This will reset any formatting that may be preventing progress from saving correctly, as well as very large fonts that may appear in the printed version of Progress Reports.
When I paste information from TherapyLog, Word or a Google Doc some of the characters change into questions marks and causes an error message. How can I keep this from happening?
Some characters such as quotation marks, apostrophes, and double hyphens change into question marks when pasted into Phoenix. The question mark replaces the character(s) that HTML can't read. This helps the user to identify what was not recognized by HTML and needs to be replaced. A fix was applied in Phoenix release 1.2.18 on 10/25/2019 to reduce the number of characters that HTML does not recognize; however, it is impossible to eliminate all possibilities.
A simple work around is to save your document as a plain text file. Then copy and paste from the plain text file you created.
How to convert Word Document files into plain-text files
Open your document in Word
Click “File” at the top left of the menu bar. Select “Save as” (go to File > Save as)
Select “Save as type” as “plain text”
Click “Save”
When the File Conversion dialogue box appears (for non-English OSs) check “allow character substitution” and then click “OK”
If the student has an Active (Special Ed) status, use the Student Contacts report to see the contact information using these steps.
Log into Phoenix.
Search for student.
Hover over student name on the panel, select the menu when it appears.
Choose Student Reports, Contacts, the report will generate using PowerBI , login using "ssdco\" before your username, no space.
If the student has a status other than Active (Special Ed), use the ESI application.
Open ESI.
Use your SSD credentials to login.
Enter the student's SSD# in the field located at the top.
Click the magnifying glass, the student's record appears.
Choose Contacts.
Click Select for the appropriate contact to view more detailed information in the Student Contacts section.
Power BI is an application and can be accessed without using Phoenix. It can be saved as a favorite on your browser. The web address for Power BI is: https://bi.ssdmo.org/reports/browse/Special%20Education%20Data/Phoenix%20Reports.
Information about Phoenix reports can be found
https://ssdmo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TSKC/pages/67731566/Phoenix+Reports#Using-the-Phoenix-applicationWhen completing a Reevaluation when no additional data is needed, it is important to pay close attention to the selection made on the Team Conclusions and Decisions form. If the wrong option is selected, the student may be exited from Phoenix. The student's active plan will end, all scheduled events will disappear and the student must be re-enrolled. The reevaluation will need to be reentered and an IEP must be completed. For further information, see Reevaluation-No Additional Data - Completing the Team Conclusions and Decisions form.
Technology services is here to help you with the process of software approval. Check out the video below for help.
Teachers complete the transportation form in Phoenix for a student when the IEP team determines transportation is required as a related service or when there is a change in transportation. The regional secretary’s email address is entered on the form to route the notification. Regional secretaries will receive notification via email once the transportation form is completed and locked in an IEP, IEP Amendment or Transportation Change Event in Phoenix. In ESI the transportation tab is completed by a regional secretary when notification has been received that an IEP, IEP Amendment or Transportation Change Event has been locked in Phoenix. Because there may be several days between the IEP team decision or transportation change and locking the event, it is very important the IEP case manager contacts the regional secretary as soon as possible and not wait until the event has been locked.
Click here for the ESI/Transportation support documentation.