Phoenix - Accessing contact information for a student

If the student has an Active (Special Ed) status, use the Student Contacts report to see the contact information using these steps.

  1. Log into Phoenix.

  2. Search for student.

  3. Hover over student name on the panel, select the menu when it appears.

  4. Choose Student Reports, Contacts, the report will generate using PowerBI , login using "ssdco\" before your username, no space.

If the student has a status other than Active (Special Ed), use the ESI application.

  1. Open ESI.

  2. Use your SSD credentials to login.

  3. Enter the student's SSD# in the field located at the top.

  4. Click the magnifying glass, the student's record appears.

  5. Choose Contacts.

  6. Click Select for the appropriate contact to view more detailed information in the Student Contacts section.