Phoenix - Some characters change to question marks when pasted into Phoenix

When I paste information from TherapyLog, Word or a Google Doc some of the characters change into questions marks and causes an error message. How can I keep this from happening?

Some characters such as quotation marks, apostrophes, and double hyphens change into question marks when pasted into Phoenix. The question mark replaces the character(s) that HTML can't read. This helps the user to identify what was not recognized by HTML and needs to be replaced. A fix was applied in Phoenix release 1.2.18 on 10/25/2019 to reduce the number of characters that HTML does not recognize; however, it is impossible to eliminate all possibilities.

A simple work around is to save your document as a plain text file. Then  copy and paste from the plain text file you created.

How to convert Word Document files into plain-text files

  1. Open your document in Word

  2. Click “File” at the top left of the menu bar. Select “Save as” (go to File > Save as)

  3. Select “Save as type” as “plain text”

  4. Click “Save”

  5. When the File Conversion dialogue box appears (for non-English OSs) check “allow character substitution” and then click “OK”