Form information

Information entered on the Services Screen prints on the Services Summary form.  This includes Special Education Services, Related Services, Supplementary Aids and Services, and Supports for School Personnel for the regular school year.

  1. If the student is between the ages of 2 and 6, indicate if the ECSE placement form is required.  If Yes is chosen, the ECSE placement pages will be available in the Placement section.  If No is chosen, only the K-12 placement page will be available.

  2. Select the frequency of progress that will be reported to the parent. If Other is chosen, enter the frequency in the expanding text box.

  3. Mark the appropriate choice for Program Modification and Accommodations

    1. If Documented on Alternate Form F is selected, Form F: Classroom Accommodations and Modifications form appears on the forms list panel.  It must be completed for the program modifications and accommodations to be printed on Form F.  The actual modifications and accommodations are entered on the Classroom Accommodations screen and print on Form F. Form F is a print only form, it does not appear on the Forms List panel.

  4. Mark the appropriate choice for Supports for School Personnel.  Supports for School Personnel are entered on the Services screen and printed with the other services on the Services Summary form above the Program Modification and Accommodations heading.

  5. Answer the four guiding questions for transportation. Yes or No must be selected for each question.

    1. The transportation guiding questions do not print on the Services Summary page. A copy of the questions can be downloaded here.

    2. The answers to these questions do not control the option that can be selected regarding the need for transportation as a related service. This is the IEP Team’s decision.

  6. Enter the IEP team's decision regarding transportation.  If the student requires transportation as a related service, the Transportation Decision Form, where the transportation provider will be chosen, appears on the forms list panel.  The Transportation Form appears on the forms list panel if SSD or Partner District is chosen as the transportation provider.

  7. If the student requires transportation as a related service, complete the transportation section of the Services Summary form.

    1. Indicate if the student requires accommodations or modifications for transportation.

    2. If yes, select the appropriate accommodations or modifications.

    3. Enter the Transportation End Date.  If transportation will continue throughout the IEP enter the IEP End Date from the Plan Dates screen.

    4. Enter the date the Transportation form was completed (the date of the IEP meeting or IEP Amendment).

  8. Save.


Special Education Process Video

Special School District provides this video for process information related to the IEP Service Summary page. Click the link and log in with your Vector/SafeSchools (employee ID number) credentials to view this information:

Service Summary and Placement Service Summary - Part 1

You will use your 6 digit employee ID number to log into SafeSchools.

If you have questions about the information in this process video, please consult your Special Education Coordinator or Director.

Special Education Process Video

Special School District provides this video for process information related to the IEP Service Summary page. Click the link and log in with your Vector/SafeSchools (employee ID number) credentials to view this information:

Service Summary and Placement Service Summary - Part 1

You will use your 6 digit employee ID number to log into SafeSchools.

If you have questions about the information in this process video, please consult your Special Education Coordinator or Director.

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