SSD Password - Self-Service Password Resets Using SSD Portal


User needs to set their security questions to allow them to do a self-service password reset.


  1. Go to the SSD Portal, and login using your current SSD username and password. Select the correct security image to confirm your identity.

  2. Click on the Account tab at the top of the screen

  3. Click the PwdReset tile.

  4. You will be prompted to select two questions and input two answers to those questions. Be extremely specific so that you can remember the answers.

  5. After completing the form select Update Configuration. You must confirm your current password to submit.

  6. In the future, should you need to then reset your password, you can go to the SSD Portal,, click Reset Password.

  7. Enter your Identity, or your SSD username.

  8. Enter the characters on the CAPTCHA image challenge and click Next.

  9. Answer your security questions and click Next.

  10. You should then be able to reset your SSD password. Please be sure to follow the password complexity requirements.
    Passwords must contain characters from three of the following four categories: English uppercase characters (A through Z). English lowercase characters (a through z). Base 10 digits (0 through 9). Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %).
    Passwords must be 9 characters long.
    Passwords cannot contain all or part (3 or more characters) of the user’s account name.
    You cannot reuse any of your last 24 passwords.

If you need help, contact us through the JIRA Customer Portal:

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