SSD Password - Changing your password using SSD Portal

Follow these steps to change your SSD password.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to the SSD Portal at

  2. Login using your current SSD username and password

  3. Select the appropriate security image to confirm your identity

  4. Click on the Account tab at the bottom of the screen

  5. Click the Reset Password tile

  6. Confirm your old password

  7. Enter your new password

  8. Confirm your new password

  9. Click Change Password

  10. There will be a notification in the top right corner of your screen if the new password was accepted

  11. Click the close button in the upper right hand corner (Click only once)

Visual Support

Password Requirements

Your new passwords must contain at least nine characters including three of the four categories:

  • English upper case letters (A-Z)

  • English lower case letters (a-z)

  • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)

  • Non-alphabetic characters (examples !, @,#,$,%,^,&,*)

Your password cannot contain all or part (3 or more characters) of your name

You cannot reuse any of your last 24 passwords

Password Tips

  • Avoid using words that can be found in a dictionary this can be done by mixing numbers and/or character types (Examples: Ex@mples, Examp1es, or Example$)

  • Avoid using a pattern of keyboard characters (1234 or qwerty)

  • Use a password significantly different from previous passwords

  • Avoid using the same password for your important accounts (banking, personal email, etc.)

  • Creating a long password can be difficult - try using a lyric, quote, or phrase

  • Avoid using information that can be found on social media accounts

  • Avoid writing down passwords instead write yourself a reminder of what it is for example "author of my favorite book"

Passwords expire every 120 days. You will get a reminder email to reset your password before it expires.