Windows 10 No Network Connection / Unable to Log in / Continually Rebooting Winsock Fix


A Windows machine displays no network connection, will not let any user account log in and will continually reboot.


Follow these steps to reset the Windows networking components to resolve the issue.

  1. Power the device on.

  2. As soon as you see the spinning white circle, hold in the power button for 30 seconds until the device turns off. Power the device on.

  3. You will see the spinning white circle, and this time, "Please wait" will appear underneath.

  4. Click "See advanced repair options".

  5. Click "Troubleshoot".

  6. Click "Advanced Options".

  7. Click "Startup Settings"If you do not see "Startup Settings", click "See more recovery options" and then click "Startup Settings".

  8. Click "Restart". The device will now reboot.

  9. Type "4" for "Enable Safe Mode". The device will now boot into Windows.

  10. Log into the device.

  11. Press the Windows Key + R, type "CMD", Press "Enter".

  12. Type "netsh winsock reset". Press "Enter".

  13. Type "netsh int ip reset". Press "Enter".

  14. Type "shutdown -r -t 5". Press "Enter". The device will reboot in 5 seconds.

  15. You should be able to resume using the device now as normal.

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