SSD Life

SSD Life

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Microsoft Teams and how is it different from SharePoint?

A: Both Microsoft Teams and SharePoint are applications in Office 365. Teams is a hub for team collaboration. SharePoint is place for all staff to find district level content.

  • SharePoint is the application powering SSD Life. The content, news and information stored on SSD Life is for all SSD employees.

  • Teams is an application you may use for a more unique or limited audience. Teams gives only the people with the provided permissions the ability to chat, video call, and collaborate on shared documents and files.


Q: Can I access SSD Life using any browser?

A: Recommended browsers include Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Technology Services does not recommend or support the application in Internet Explorer (IE).


Q: Is SSD Life IOS and Android compatible?

A: Yes. There is also a SharePoint application in the app store. For more information click here, https://aka.ms/getspmteamcommsite