Form E: District-Wide Assessments

This article assists users when completing the form.

Form information

Form E is created when Yes is selected for district assessments on the Special Considerations form. 
All text boxes on Form E expand and have no character limit.

Student Will Participate

  1. If the student will participate in the district-wide assessments check the box at the top.

  2. Enter the name(s) of the assessment(s) the student will take in the first column.

  3. Enter the accommodations to be used for each assessment in the second column or enter No Accommodations needed.  The accommodations are entered manually as there is no drop down menu.

  4. Use the second row if needed for any additional assessments with different accommodations from those listed in the first row.  Enter the new set of accommodations for the additional assessments.

  5. Save.

Student Will Not Participate

  1. If the student will not participate in the district-wide assessment check the box near the middle of the form.

  2. Enter the name(s) of the assessment(s) the student will not take.

  3. Enter the name or description of the alternate assessment in which the student will participate as provided by your partner district.

  4. Enter a statement explaining why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment.

  5. Enter a statement explaining why the alternate assessment is appropriate.

  6. There is space provided for information about a second assessment if needed.

  7. Save.

If this form has been created, completed and saved but is no longer needed, it can be reset so it is not included in the final, locked IEP. Instructions for resetting forms are found on the Resetting Forms page.