Previous Progress Reports Not Printing on One Page

There is a known issue currently in Phoenix where previous completed progress reports are not printing all on the same page. The vendor is working on a solution to this issue.


  1. Select the final completed progress report for each goal by selecting the most recent Progress Due Date (selecting the box next to the date will select all goals at once).

  2. Click the Print button.

  3. You will have a matching number of pages to the number of items that were checked. In this example, there were 4 goals, 1 completed due date and 4 pages.


  1. Select all the completed progress reports for each goal by selecting all the Progress Due Dates (selecting the box next to the date will select all goals at once).

  2. Click the Print button.

  3. You will have a matching number of pages to the number of items that were checked. In this example, there were 4 goals, 3 completed due dates, and 12 pages.