This article assists users when completing the event.

Event information

The user creates the Prior Written Notice event when additional Prior Written Notice forms are needed for an IEP. Instructions for creating the event are found here.

The Initial IEP, Annual IEP, Annual IEP (Transfer), IEP Amendment, and IEP Correction each include five Prior Written Notice-IEP forms.  If more than five notices are needed, the Prior Written Notice Event is created.  This event includes five additional PWN-IEP forms.  Multiple Prior Written Notice Events can be open simultaneously, allowing the user to create as many PWN forms as needed.

Each Prior Written Notice Event must be locked when the IEP is locked.

The Prior Written Notice forms in this event are NOT used to obtain consent for initial services.  The Parent Response-Initial Services event auto-generates with the Initial IEP and is used to obtain consent for initial services.

When the Prior Written Notice Event is created, enter the IEP Meeting Date or date of the IEP Amendment as both the Scheduled and Due Dates.

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