Call the Service Desk at 314-989-8686. The Service Desk is open from 7:00-4:30. Outside of those hours, a voice mail message can be left. The message creates a ticket.
When contacting the Technology Service Desk, please include the following information:
Your name (for voice mail messages - please spell your last name)
Including your name is unnecessary if you submit your request through the SSD Help Center. Your information is sent automatically.
The student's name and SSD student number
The specific issue includes the event, form, etc. If you received an error message, a screenshot or text of the message would be helpful.
A phone number where you can be reached and the best time to call if you would prefer a phone response or in case the Service Desk staff needs to speak with you
Please make only one contact with the Service Desk for each issue (ticket, email, or phone call). After submitting a request, please wait for a response before making another contact. If you need to add additional information, you can respond to the email you received when the ticket was created. We appreciate your patience.