Accessing W2s, paystubs, 1095C and enrolling in email delivery in Document Self-Service

Accessing W2s, paystubs, 1095C and enrolling in email delivery in Document Self-Service

This article will assist you in how to access your electronic paystubs, W2 and 1095C. It will also show you how to enroll in email delivery of these documents.

Document Self-Service is accessible on a mobile phone or mobile device.

Accessing W2s and paystubs

  1. Login to the Microsoft Portal, https://myapps.microsoft.com  with your SSD username and password.

  2. Click Document Self-Service.

    Doc Self Service App Tab.png
  3. Login to Document Self-Service.


    Doc Self Service Login.png


  4. Click on the My Documents drop-down menu located in the top navigation section, then select one of the options.

  5. To open a single document, locate the item you want to view, then click in any one of the columns associated with the item. For example, under the Document Date column click the 08/30/2019 item.


  6. Enter the Last 4 digits of SSN and the security code and click Submit.

You may also select multiple items, by checking items in the checkbox column. Once you select the items you want to view, click the View Selected button

Enrolling in email delivery of W2's and paystubs

  1. Click the My Delivery Settings drop-down menu located in the top navigation section.

  2. In the left navigation menu displays an icon that identifies your document delivery setting for the 1090-C, W2, and PayStubs.

  3. In the scenario below, we want pay stubs to be sent as an attachment to our email. Click the Email Delivery option under PayStubs in the left navigation menu.

  4. The primary email address will be automatically filled in with your SSD email. You have an option to add a secondary email as well. You may enter an external email address you have access to.

  5. Select the Yes button under the "Deliver my PayStubs documents via email?" prompt.

  6. Enter in a password and confirm it.

  7. Click the Submit button.

PayStubs - email delivery set to opted in, the system will send an encrypted attachment to the identified email address(s).

W2 and 1095-C - web delivery set to opted in, the system will send an email to the identified email addresses, when the documents are ready. You may access them via the web using the My Documents section.

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