Checking Voicemail Remotely for RingCentral

Checking Voicemail Remotely for RingCentral

Use this article for voicemail only users to help with logging in, resetting/changing PIN and how to access and check Voicemail via phone (by calling 314-989-8448).

Checking my voicemail

There are three ways to check your SSD voicemail: email attachment, using any phone, and/or logging into the RingCentral web application

Using any phone

  1. Dial your full 10 digit number and press the pound (#) key, wait until your voicemail greeting begins playing.

  2. Press the star (*) key.

  3. Enter in the current PIN, press the pound (#) key.

  4. Press 1, to listen to your voicemail.


Checking your voicemail through your SSD email is a great option for voicemail only users. It is enabled by default and once you have an activated RingCentral account, you will receive an email notification with the audio file as an .mp3 file attached to the notification. See the example below for what an email looks like when a voicemail is left.

Using the RingCentral web application

  1. Login to the RingCentral web portal.

  2. On the Overview tab, scroll down to Recent Messages

  3. You may listen to a message by clicking the Play button,

  4. Download the message to your PC by clicking the Download link.

  5. Click the Forward link to send this message to another phone or email address

  6. Check the box to select a message and Delete or Block.

Logging into RingCentral web application

You may access the RingCentral web portal following the steps below or by entering https://service.ringcentral.com, into your browser's address bar and skipping to step 3 below. You may bookmark or save this URL to your desktop. This direct URL is the same URL located in the SSD Portal. How you choose to access the RingCentral web is your preference.

  1. Go to the SSD Portal, https://portal.ssdmo.org, and login.

  2. Click on the Applications link and click the RingCentral button.

  3. In the new window, Click the Single Sign-on button.

  4. Enter your SSD email into the box. i.e., flast@ssdmo.org, and click the Submit button.

    1. You may check the Remember email box. This option is for users who use the same PC and browser daily. As long as your browsing history is cached, your email will be saved and you will only have to click the Submit button.

  5. A new window appears to connect you from RingCentral to our SSD accounts. Enter your SSD email and password into the boxes.

  6. Click the Sign In button.

    1. If this is the first time you are logging into the RingCentral portal, please continue to step 7. Once your account has been setup, accessing RingCentral stops at step 6.

  7. Select a picture from the list as a security measure for your account. Then click the Create My Account button.

  8. Once successfully logged in you will be taken to the RingCentral web portal.

Changing my Voicemail Greeting

Using any phone

  1. Dial 314-989-8448, press your four digit extension.

  2. Wait for the message to start to play, then press the star (*) key.

  3. Enter in your voicemail PIN, press the pound (#) key.

  4. Press 2: Record your Greetings >

    • Press 2: Record Voicemail Greeting >

      • Press 2: Listen

      • Press 3: Change >

        • Press 1: Save

        • Press 2: Listen

        • Press 3: Change

        • Press 4: Reset to Default

        • Press star (*): Return to previous menu

Once logged in, RingCentral will announce the number of messages in your extension's mailbox, then gives you the option to listen to your messages, (press 1) or access account administration (press 2).

Using the RingCentral web application

  1. Login to the RingCentral web portal.

  2. On the Overview tab, click the Voicemail button.

  3. You have an option to use the default greeting or a custom greeting. The default greeting message is indicated and may be heard by clicking the play button.

  4. If you want to change your voicemail click Set Greeting drop-down and select Custom from the list.

  5. You have three options to record your greeting.

    1. You may choose to use the Phone option to enter your phone number for RingCentral to call you and follow the prompts to record your message.

    2. You may choose to use the Computer Microphone option to record the message. using a built-in, wired/wireless and/or headset.

    3. You may choose to use the Import option to upload a .wav or .mp3 audio file recorded using a different application.

  6. Once you are finished, click the Done button and then the Save button.

Helpful Resources

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