Transferring Local Data to OneDrive

Transferring Local Data to OneDrive

This article will help you transfer your data to OneDrive. 

Step-by-step guide

Login to OneDrive (Using Windows 10)

  1. Select the Start button, search for “OneDrive”, and then open it:

  2. Select OneDrive.

  3. When OneDrive Setup starts, enter your SSDUSERNAME@ssdmo.org and select Sign in.

  4. You will need to enter your SSDPASSWORD to complete the login of OneDrive.

Backup Data to OneDrive

  1. In the bottom right of your computer (Windows notification area) there should be a white or blue cloud icon that you can select.

  2. Select  Help & Settings > Settings, then Backup > Manage backup.

  3. In the Back up your folders dialog, make sure the folders that you want to back up are selected.

  4. Select Start backup.

  5. You can close the dialog box while your files sync to OneDrive. Or, to watch your files sync, select View upload progress. If you already closed the dialog, to open the OneDrive activity center, select the white or blue cloud in the notification area.

  6. Warning - PST files should not be stored in OneDrive. The assigned technician should help with a transition of the PST file to Office 365 or they can be stored in a folder that is not connected to OneDrive

    1. Example: C:\My Outlook PST

  7. Web browsers such as Chrome should be logged into and sync'd in order to backup settings and data. (Google Documentation on Syncing Browser)

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