Using the direct deposit feature in Employee Self-Service

Using the direct deposit feature in Employee Self-Service

This article will show you how to add and edit any direct deposit accounts associated to you.

Editing an open a count

  1. You will need to login to Lawson. If you are having trouble go to the, Logging into Lawson, article and then return to this page.

  2. Make sure you click on the Lawson icon to ensure you are in the correct application.


  3. Go to Bookmarks > Employee Self-Service > Pay > Direct Deposit.


  4. Click on the Account number to view or edit details.

    1. Depending on what you submitted previously, you may or may not have multiple bank accounts. The same steps apply.

  5. Review the Authorization message and select the I agree with this statement option and then click the Continue button.

  6. On the update screen, you can change the Account Type and the Account Description.

  7. Click the Update button when you are done making changes.

    1. If you are updating an account you added, then you will also be able to update the Flat Amount and Percent of Net fields.

Adding an account

  1. You will need to login to Lawson. If you are having trouble go to the, Logging into Lawson, article and then return to this page.

  2. Make sure you click on the Lawson icon to ensure you are in the correct application.


  3. Go to Bookmarks > Employee Self-Service > Pay > Direct Deposit.


  4. Click the Add button.

  5. Review the Authorization message and select the I agree with this statement option and then click the Continue button.

  6. Complete the fields with you banking information.

  7. Click the Update button when you are done making changes.