IEP Amendment Event

IEP Amendment Event

This article assists users when completing the event.

The IEP Amendment event is created by the user.  It is used to change decisions the IEP team made during an earlier IEP meeting or amendment. 

To correct an error made when completing an IEP, create the IEP Correction event. 

For more information about creating and completing an IEP Amendment event, download the IEP Amendment and IEP Correction Quick Start Card

Event information

What is an Amendment?

An Amendment documents a change to a decision made by the IEP team at the IEP meeting or in a subsequent amendment. An example is changing the location of a service from the Special Education setting to the Regular Education setting.

What forms are included in an IEP Amendment?

  • When the IEP Amendment is created, all forms in the IEP or previous Amendment are copied with these exceptions:

    • Excusal

    • IEP Front Page

    • Prior Written Notices

      • These forms do not copy into an IEP Amendment from the previous event (IEP, IEP Amendment, or IEP Correction). A Prior Written Notice is issued specifically for the event in which it was used. New notices will be completed for the Amendment.

    • The Amendment form is not copied from one amendment to the next. This form must be completed for each event.

  • The Amendment form is included and required in the Amendment. It documents the agreement of the parent/guardian/18+ student and the Component District and SSD representatives to complete the Amendment. It also documents the areas of the IEP being amended.

Existing goals and services should not be changed or deleted in an Amendment. End Dates should be used to indicate a goal or service will no longer be provided.

How is the IEP Amendment Event created?

Instructions for creating the IEP Amendment Event can be found here.

Special Education Process Video

Special School District provides these videos for process information related to the IEP Amendment. Click the link and log in with your Vector/SafeSchools (employee ID number) credentials to view this information:

What is an Amendment: IEP Amendments - Part 1

Completing an Amendment: IEP Amendments - Part 2

You will use your 6 digit employee ID number to log into SafeSchools.

If you have questions about the information in this process video, please consult your Special Education Coordinator or Director.