Managing Your Watch List

Managing Your Watch List

After login, the Watch List is the default list of students on the student list panel. There are a few ways to manage the Watch List - using the student menu, selecting the Watch List profile link or using My Watch List in Caseload Management. 

Adding a Student to Your Watch List Using the Student Menu

  1. Hover over the student's name on the student list panel and select the menu icon when it appears

  2. Select Add to Watch List . This will update your current Watch List to include the student


Once the student has been added to your Watch List, the option changes to Remove from My Watch List 07/31/20##. Watch Lists are automatically cleared in Phoenix on July 31 annually. To remove a student prior to July 31, select “Remove from My Watch List 07/31/##”.

Assign Staff to Watch List for a Student Using the Student Profile Links menu

The ability to assign someone else as a watcher for a student is permissions based.

  1. Select student's name from the student list panel

  2. Select Watch List from the student profile links

  3. Click Add Watch List Staff Assignment

  4. Assign yourself or search for staff by clicking the magnifying glass

  5. Enter the First Name and Last Name and click Staff Search

  6. Select the name from the results

  7. Enter a Reason

  8. Expiration can be changed otherwise the lists clears on July 31

  9. Save

Using My Watch List in Caseload Management 

You can also manage students on your Watch List by selecting the Caseload Management icon on the header menu.

Select My Watch List to see a list of students on your Watch List.

You can add or remove students on your list from this screen.

Adding a Student

To add a student to your Watch List:

  1. Click Student Search, Advanced Search opens, enter search information 

  2. Click Search

  3. The student search results appear, select the student

  4. Click OK, the student appears on your Watch List

Removing a Student

To remove a student on your Watch List:

Click Remove for the appropriate student on the list.