Student Moving to a Coalition District

Student Moving to a Coalition District

This process is only used by departments with appropriate permissions such as the Intake Department.

Day 1

  1. SSD EC AC Area Coordinator forwards information to Intake Department

  2. Intake Department Locate Student Record in Phoenix. Annual IEP and Reevaluation Decision Events should be open in Current and Upcoming Events

  3. Log in to Phoenix

  4. Locate the student record

  5. Create an EC Coalition Transfer

  6. Go to Events screen and Select Schedule New Meeting

  7. In Schedule Meeting pop-up, select *EC Coalition Transfer *as Event Type

  8. Due date is date of the transfer to the coalition district.

  9. Primary Staff: Intake AC, Save

  10.  Select Meeting Manager next to the EC Coalition Transfer event

    1. Choose Section B-Student resides in district where SSD provides special education services in early childhood.

    2. Choose Student no longer receiving services

    3. Comments:  Student moved to EC Coalition District-(name of district)

    4. Save

  11. Run compliance

  12. Lock

Any events in the current and upcoming events section are deleted

Changes Phoenix status to ‘Withdrawn (EC Coalition-Coalition Services)’

Intake forwards most recent evaluation report and IEP

Student will likely enroll for K, will need to be reactivated

Day 2

ESI Status: Withdrawn

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