Seclusion and Restraint: FAQs

Seclusion and Restraint: FAQs

This article includes frequently asked questions about the Seclusion and Restraint form.




Where can I find training or support materials for completing a Seclusion & Restraint Form?

Training and support materials for the Seclusion & Restraint documentation form, including videos, step-by-step guides and a FAQ, are available through Technology Knowledge Services Center.  Seclusion and Restraint

The student’s information that autofills is incorrect.  How can I make sure that it is updated? 

Student data that autofills on this form comes from the data stored in ESI and Phoenix. Staff may type over the autofill data on the E-form if information is inaccurate so that the immediate report sent to parents includes accurate information, but you will need to contact Student Data to make sure the student’s information is updated in the system where the data is stored (Phoenix or ESI).  To correct student data in the appropriate system, please submit a Student Data Service Desk request here: https://ssdmo.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/7  

Why are there only 4 time spots for each type of restraint/seclusion?

When the form was created, this is the number the team decided upon at that time to cover most incidents that can go on one form - meaning the start time of each physical intervention is within the same hour window.   A new form should be used for each physical intervention that does not have a start time in the same hour (60-minute window) of the same day. 

Is this form mandatory?

Yes. In accordance with section 160.263, RSMO, SSD Board Policy JGGA and regulation JGGA-R require that any time physical interventions (physical restraint, mechanical restraint, seclusion, or secure observation room) are used with a student, documentation of the incident will be provided and kept on file and maintained in the student’s education record.  DESE requires that the report be provided to the parent or legal guardian within 5 school days of the incident, and filed within 30 days with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 

I have a suggestion for changing the form. Who do I contact?


This form has been created by the Special Ed Process committee to meet State and District compliance requirements. Making changes to this form is a lengthy process that requires multiple levels of review and will be considered when there is compelling reason to change to ensure compliance. Para- and teacher-level staff should discuss any concerns with their administrator.  Administrators may submit questions or suggestions through the SpEd Process FAQ Google sheet that is provided to administrators at monthly SpEd Process training sessions. The functionality of the form and suggestions for improvement will be reviewed periodically to determine when appropriate revisions can be supported.

Do I have to complete a form if the restraint/physical intervention lasted less than one minute (60 seconds)?


Yes. A Seclusion & Restraint incident form must be completed any time physical intervention that meets the JGGA-R definition of physical restraint, mechanical restraint, seclusion, or secure observation room is used.  These definitions provide exclusions that teams should be aware of to determine whether or not the physical intervention meets the definition of a restraint or seclusion that requires documentation.


I’ve read JGGA-R and am still unsure if the intervention used meets the definition of restraint or seclusion. What should I do? 

Staff should consult with their administrator when there are questions about when or how to complete a restraint form. When questioning if a form is needed, it is in the best interest of the student and staff involved to complete the form and document the events that occurred. 


Who and how do the parents / legal guardians get contacted about the event? 


The first required contact is made by the staff member involved in the restraint or seclusion, and is must be made as soon as possible, but no later than 1 hour after the end of the school day.  This contact can be verbal or electronic.  The time and date of this contact is a required field to be documented on the Restraint & Seclusion EForm. 


The second required contact is the provision of the Seclusion & Restraint form to the parent / legal guardian.  Student Records accesses all forms one business day following the day that the form was completed (dated and e-signed by administrator).  Only Student Records sends Seclusion & Restraint forms  home to the parent / legal guardian (including foster parent, Educational Surrogate, etc.).  Student Records submits completed forms to DESE on a monthly basis for state reporting requirements. 

The parent / legal guardian asked me for another copy of their report.  Can I give it to them?

No.  All requests for student records and information must be forwarded to the SSD Student Records department.  Case managers are expected to provide parents/guardians one copy of their child’s IEP when it is written. No copies of any other student record shall be made or distributed by school personnel. Requests for student records shall only be fulfilled by Student Records, for district, state and FERPA requirements. 


I recently became case manager for a student and realized they do not have an FBA / BIP, but we use physical interventions (restraint and seclusion) for this student.  What should I do? 


A Reevaluation will need to be initiated to complete the FBA process.  Start by contacting your School Psychologist to review the process involved and scheduling availability. 

I saw a question on the form to indicate if a police officer was involved with the physical interventions.  When should police be involved during a restraint or seclusion?

Per Board Regulation JGGA-R (page 9), staff will include a police officer in crisis intervention only: 

  • To prevent a crime, to respond when a crime is being committed, or a crime has been committed. 

  • If approved steps for de-escalation to ensure safe of staff and students are ineffective, 

  • If the student is posing a danger to self or others. 


Police should become involved only if requested by principal or designee. 

I realized there was an error on a form I completed, after I submitted it.  What do I do now? 

Once a Seclusion & Restraint form has been signed by the SSD Administrator and is closed, it cannot be edited.  A new form will need to be created.  Please contact Student Records immediately to let them know about the form with errors, so that if it has not been sent home to the parent / legal guardian, the processing of the form can be stopped.  Call 314-989-8170 for support. 


I’ve reviewed the information on this FAQ, and I’m looking for more support or another answer.  Who do I contact? 


If you have a question regarding what to include on the form, contact your supervisor for guidance. 

If there is a technical error with the form, such as the page is not loading or the system is preventing you from entering data, please contact Technology Support through their online help desk: https://ssdmo.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4  

If you need to know if a form has already been provided to the parent, or other questions about releasing the information, start by contacting your Administrator. Administrators will receive a confirmation email when the form has been provided to the parent.  Please call 314-989-8125 with other record keeping questions.

For related service staff who are not assigned to one building (i.e., OTs / PTs, School Psychs, ABA / Behavior Analysts):  

Who should they assign completed Seclusion & Restraint Forms to for Supervisor review and Signature?  The building Special Ed Coordinator / SSD Principal, or their direct supervisor?   

Staff should assign Seclusion & Restraint forms to the special education administrator who supervises that child’s special education program. In many cases this will be the Special Ed Coordinator for the child’s attending building. For SSD Schools this will likely be the building principal. If students participate in multiple programs (ie. a special education program in a partner district and a SSD Tech school), the form should be assigned to the supervisor of the special education program where the incident requiring a Restraint & Seclusion form occurred. 

If an incident lasts multiple hours, can it be documented on one restraint form?

A single restraint/seclusion incident should be documented on a single form, regardless of duration. Multiple incidents that start within a 60-minute window may be documented on a single form, regardless of duration. A separate form must be used to document incidents when more than 60 minutes has passed between the start of incidents.

How do I document a restraint/seclusion event that lasted less than one minute if started and ended within the same clock minute?

Document the start time and end time on the form even if the event occurred during the same clock minute. The form will allow for the start time and end time to be the same value (eg. 10:17am - 10:17am)

Can paraprofessionals and teachers both have access to the Seclusion & Restraint form?

Access to Seclusion & Restraint forms are granted based on staff role. Both paras and teachers have permissions to create and edit Seclusion & Restraint forms based on their roles. If staff should have access to the forms based on their role but are not able to access the Seclusion and Restraint form in Finreporting, a ticket should be submitted to the Technology Support Help Desk requesting access.   

Who should create, or “author,” the Seclusion & Restraint form?

SSD Board Policy does not specify which staff must create or complete a Seclusion & Restraint form when physical intervention is used with a student.  Special Education Coordinators, Directors, and SSD Principals should identify procedures for creating and completing the forms that meet the needs of their buildings/programs and that are consistent with the requirements of JGGA-R. 

If a student is in a Partner District  - who completes the form - Partner District or SSD? 

When a SSD staff member engages in physical intervention with a general education student (ie. no IEP services and student is not in the initial referral/eval process), staff will follow partner district procedures and the general education staff will use partner district seclusion and restraint forms.

When a SSD staff member engages in physical intervention with a student currently being serviced by SSD (i.e. they have an IEP or they are currently in the initial referral/eval process), the SSD Seclusion & Restraint form should be completed.  This applies to situations where the SSD employee is involved in any portion, full or in part, of the restraint/seclusion event.   

When partner district staff are the only staff (i.e. no SSD staff are involved) involved in a restraint/seclusion event with a student with an IEP, or who is in the initial referral/eval process at the time of the incident, partner district staff will follow partner district procedures to complete the appropriate partner district form. 

SSD staff are not expected to complete both the SSD form and a partner district form for the same event. Completing two forms creates double reports to the family and to DESE.  Staff should contact their supervisor if asked to complete both forms. 

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