Deleting Rules in Outlook

Deleting Rules in Outlook

Recently we have seen some phishing schemes where if customers' email accounts become compromised, the attacker will set a Rule up in email to automatically delete all incoming emails, in an effort to keep customers from being alerted that their account is compromised. This article describes how to remove those rules. Tech Services can also help remove these rules if needed.

How to Remove Rules in Outlook (Web Access-Through the Portal or outlook.office365.com

  1. Open/log-in to Outlook Web Access

  2. Click on the gear (Settings) in the Menu bar near the upper right corner

  3. In the Settings window (on the left side of the screen), scroll to the bottom of the window and click on “View all Outlook settings”

  4. Click on “Rules” in the middle column and any rule that’s listed in the main window (unless you personally created one), click on the trash can (delete rule) at the far right of the rule and click “OK” to remove.

How to Remove Rules in Outlook (Desktop Office App)

  1. Open/log-in to Outlook App

  2. Click on “File” in Menu bar, then in “Info” in left column and scroll to the bottom and click on “Manage Rules and Alerts”

  3. Under “E-Mail Rules”, click on all of the rule(s) listed in the main window (unless you created it yourself) and click on “Delete” in the menu bar above messages/rules